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Posts posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. I really did see a show about cargo cult, during ww2 marines landed on small islands off New Guinea, at the time it was the first time for them to see battle ships, planes flying over, let alone see white men, Still to this day the old timers in new guinea worship the marines, they believe the marines came from the depts of the active volcano on the island, and also called them "sgt smith" which they also think was a marine sgt on the island at one time that helped the islanders out with food ect. All over the island they still have marine flags draped over everything, and do taps every morning and night, and also march, they even showed a few guys acting like they where shooting machine guns, running around like crazy men, was kind of funny just guess you have to realize what these people have seen in there time ect.


    I saw that same show. It was very funny. They had american flags and everything.

  2. And according to this article, *I* percieve that most people are dumb. :p It's the same company, you can't rate one at the top and the other at the bottom. It's like saying "GMC trucks are SOOO much better than Chevy trucks!" Or "Buicks are such better cars than Caddys!"


    Hit the nail on the head.


    Mercury's an upscale Ford, Acura's an upscale Honda, while they're on total opposite ends. :confused:

  3. Looks really good man. That was a good deal on the unit as well.


    I've never personally had a problem with the mount falling off. As long as the windshield/suction cup is clean.


    I'm planning on doing something similar to the legacy. Apparently in Texas people are jacking GPS units left and right. My boss told me they're breaking into cars that have the little rings left behind from the suction cup to find the things.




  4. Panasonic Plasma /thread. Seriously, the only better TV out there is Pioneer and they are an arm and left nut and not worth the difference.


    I'm biased as I own several and worked there for years, but am also very confident in them.


    I'd have to agree Panasonic has the nicest plasma television.


    Brand wise for lcd. Sharp and Sony are very nice looking. Samsung's are nice looking as well. I guess it just depends on the size you're going for.

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