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Everything posted by verse

  1. verse

    Paris owned

    She'll still have money regardless.
  2. Send me a PM with model number/phone number. I have a co-worker who is VERY interested.
  3. If the Crank sensor was bad the car wouldn't start. Bad plugs/wires can throw a camshaft position code. Usually wires.
  4. Go on vacation (Vegas), put money in an account for my son, buy another AE86 and a GMC Yukon for the wife, rest of the money in the savings/401K.
  5. verse

    Fanasty Football?

    Bump, we need more people.
  6. I believe that was a factory option. The price isn't too farfetched. A little on the high side, but it's not really that rediculous. You see those extreme Sunfires running around everywhere. You don't get out much if that's one of the funnier things you've seen.
  7. Service is where most dealerships make most of the profit anyhow.
  8. Probably needs a heating element, pretty basic.
  9. verse

    Fanasty Football?

    There is no utility player, only W/R and W/TE and the regular positions. I made all the changes people suggested. Let me know if you guys have any other suggestions.
  10. verse

    Fanasty Football?

    http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/f1/register/joinprivateleague_league_select?.scrumb= Then put in... League ID - 243883 PW - Cracing The columbus_racing link is for people already in the league. You have to join it before you can use that link, I'm sorry for the confusion.
  11. verse

    Fanasty Football?

    You have to use the league ID number when you go to join a private league.
  12. verse

    Fanasty Football?

    Awesome. We almost have more people than last year signed up, 3 woohoo. We need at least 7 more. Let's get at it people. If you like football and you've never played before, it's easy and makes watching football more enjoyable at least for me.
  13. Razor scooter, Pakie loves them.
  14. She doesn't really say that. I just make fun of her about it.
  15. I'm looking for a part-time or full-time job for my wife. She has very little experience with anything other than with animals. I'd like to have her find a job as a vet tech or something, but she makes the excuse of her having a lip ring as a reason to not look. So I'm going to look for her. That's the only real thing holding her back from being hired at places. She has a vertical labret lip piercing, which these days shouldn't make a difference, it's not like we live in the 1940's anymore. So to sum it up, looking for a job that allows very few tasteful facial piercings and may or may not have to do with animals. She was in 4H for many years and owns/cares for her own horse. She has done a few internships with various horse farms around town while in high school, so she is good with horses as well.
  16. verse

    Fanasty Football?

    I gave up b/c only 4 teams joined. We need at least 10.
  17. verse

    Fanasty Football?

    Done and done. Any more suggestions.
  18. verse

    Fanasty Football?

    Everyone go ahead and try to sign up and see if it's all working correctly. Should be good now. If everyone agrees on having a live draft I could book BW3's for the live draft, we get $50 in free appetizers and a party room for the draft if we have more than 10 people.
  19. verse

    Fanasty Football?

    It might take a little bit to confirm it or something. I just opened it up. Try again in a bit and let me know.
  20. verse

    Fanasty Football?

    I also have a league we run that consists of mostly my co-workers and friends. There's a $20 buy-in and 50% goes to best record and 50% goes to tournament winner. We will be having a live draft in mid-august if anyone is interested PM me. I did start up a league for columbus racing. League ID = 243883 PW = Cracing This is the link to join: http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/f1/register/joinprivateleague_league_select?.scrumb=
  21. We had a pretty good year two years ago, but last year just bombed. We only had 4 teams. I just want to make sure there's still interest in this or not. If we have a lot of interest and people are interested maybe we could have a live draft and get some food/beer as well. I know BW3's is holding live draft partys and they supply a certain about of appetizers and whatnot for free. Let's get the ball rolling.
  22. verse

    The plunge...

    So true. We are spending a fortune on our wedding and I already regret it. It's just a big party, spend it on something you'll remember.
  23. Could be a bad ball joint, sounds like it.
  24. verse

    The plunge...

    I'm getting married September 15th. Congrats.
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