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Everything posted by Diamonds

  1. The seat is downtown at my shop, but... I can bring it home, just let me know
  2. http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/s480x480/282358_383492511710924_899112256_n.jpg
  3. the kirkey i just bought was 270 before seat cover (180 extra).
  4. Not bad since the butt pad is thick. BTW, i will sell it without the seat cover. (they are removable)
  5. That tire is not stretched for 2 reasons... 1. The rim protector is oversized and giving it the illusion of looking stretched. 2. That's a 7 or 7.5 inch wide knockoff wheel, what tire would stretch on that especially since it is easy to see that the sidewall is most likely a 40 or 45 AR
  6. Oddly enough, i'm not going to argue that if you expand on it. But isn't that true for a lot of cars (the underlying theory). People modify cars to perform better and look better (though not always meeting the latter per differing opinions). The donk is just a more blatant way of saying "look at meeeeee". Believe me, i'm deff not the guy who says "i only mod my car if it helps it perform better". I want performance and aesthetics. Call me a ricer, doesn't bother me one iota.
  7. Diamonds


    DOO SEH JENKIMZZZ (i wanted to add to the thread)
  8. You dont really think that, you are just trying to make a point. But, I realize that most people don't adhere to that culture. Please understand that the S-Chassis culture is "just different". It doesn't make it right (i realize this)/ http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m590h1drPf1rsdlqyo1_500.jpg http://img61.imageshack.us/img61/4125/s15silviaspecrimg600x45df1.jpg http://www.stancenation.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/93.jpg the truth.... http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5mjef9qTN1r5f59bo1_500.gif
  9. to me, this is done right (minus any stickers it may have on it). most might say its rice because of the aero, wheels, etc... but i don't care. it fits my style. Hits all my hot buttons. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v202/s15driftking/koopa-1.png
  10. what about structurally better? (IE - tougher to break/bend)
  11. I like fashion wheels as long as they are quality... and not knockoff junk.
  12. Have you confirmed the concavity of the faces with those sizes? Why not just call work and ask them what sizes are on the blue one?
  13. And that..... ladies and gentlemen is why you always "fitment".
  14. if you dont know Rocket bunny you are a big time bitch. and I hate you. That is all.... THRAD JAX 6666 http://cdn.speedhunters.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/S14_Rocket_Bunny.jpg
  15. The following is all correct.... Stewart Leask http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/524909_414926241862639_1757069263_n.jpg http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/537596_4124084579627_1583387418_n.jpg http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/537665_419270368094893_1204484046_n.jpg other randoms of Dent Sport Garage http://stance-usa.com/sus/images/stories/news/DSG240rs2.jpg http://image.automotive.com/f/images/8959342+pheader/0703_sccp_09z+asm_honda_s2000_and_dent_sport_nissan_240rs+rear_left_view.jpg
  16. I bought an 18 inch kirkey road race seat, I fit very well. Anyone who needs to test fit themselves just let me know. I may still buy a corbeau. Test both, and sell one.
  17. Concept2 towers are legit. I would buy it if you will come down
  18. 44 inch waist and 3-Bills Problem is, i am also about 6'3, so i need one that will sit very low.
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