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Everything posted by Diamonds

  1. Not even close... both of you.
  2. new radiator installed, new intercooler piping, anda VC job by patterson. http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/543664_10100888945103914_1095818821_n.jpg and, some wheel/tire work... Federal 595's... 235/40/18 on an 18x10 http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/577043_10100888943806514_1096361995_n.jpg http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/564888_10100888942593944_2100119755_n.jpg And, attempted to put a 255/35 in the rear (18x11.5) but couldn't get it to seat without using 82LBS of pressure. Scratch that... http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/579896_10100888958517034_87219821_n.jpg http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/564211_10100888983367234_69641858_n.jpg
  3. Zaubers-RiversideMAE-TrialForce OH MY!!! BTW, for a Cigar, who can name the wheel on the bottom, 2nd in from the right.
  4. all i see are high offsets......
  5. 2 tires, decent shape. 50-55% treadlife. 100.00 Firm http://imgc.classistatic.com/cps/poc/120330/396r1/9776ig9_27.jpeg http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg14/bargaineagle/pg233/6-23-08pg233039.jpg bob B 330-464-0774 call or text
  6. why didnt anyone fuck that kid up? I would have pulled out a 53 degree wedge and gone to town on him. 100% serious.
  7. i think you should make one CC pics thread. that would be very cool!! so it could be ongoing.
  8. Those are sparcos from the mid 90's.
  9. Takata green would be dope
  10. Check intuit forum too. Ravspec has package deals Look at this sale thread for fitment http://www.ft86club.com/forums/showthread.php?p=234283
  11. Those sizes are not going to look like the ones I posted A search yielded that you can go 17x9 +35 easily in that wheel on your car
  12. A tizzy? More like a pat on the back!!!!
  13. Im just here to do a little educating, a slight bit of hating, and not get caught while masturbating!!
  14. Diamonds

    1998 BMW 2.8 Z3

    REALLY DUDE???????????????????????????????
  15. To clarify,CRKai are one of those wheels that only look good in certain width/offset combos. Yuo will be disappointed if you buy skinny ones.
  16. FYI Real cR KAI are pressure cast so there is an advantage to buying them over the Rotas.... On the flipside, congrats on joining the unimaginative people who buy wheels based on what everyone else says..
  17. hub http://www.northerntool.com/images/product/images/128007_lg.jpg center http://app.onlinephotofiler.com/Img1/A_3/5/6/7/147653/666fd9f2cad741f58d1003874a303715.Large.jpg?u=88849ec3-0211-4133-b096-4231e05336cd Barrel/hoop/rim 2 piece http://www.workwheelsusa.com/media/outlet/95/product.jpg%5Bimg Barrel/hoop/rim 3 piece (outer) http://i01.i.aliimg.com/photo/v0/11631443/Forged_Wheel_1_Piece_2_Piece_3.jpg Center lol http://picture.yorkbbs.ca/upload/2011/08/303/40677580519700.jpg Rim plus center http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSDl--kvUaCbzVMdDkJCP966cuKTEU5bi5yyDMHG-H63EBJFqoq31b_a81W Other multipiece Rotas/Cheap wheels http://www.clublexus.com/forums/attachments/sc-400-300/155518d1256485613-18x9-5-20-rota-haters-please-do-not-click-broken-rota.jpg
  18. your hub is the piece wit hthe studs, wrong again. and again, wrong..... about barrels. inners and outers... or if you are poor... just one...which you cannot remove.
  19. you are wrong that is a "center" then you have a barrel, or a "rim" And that makes a .....WHEEL tires are....... tires
  20. Work CR KAI? or CR KAI knockoff Rotas?
  21. this BUT, judging by the fact that Draco-REX is an anal-retard he'd end up sueing the seller for finding a paint chip once he unboxes the wheels....He would sue because he is afraid that the wheel will explode under the extreme amount of torque that BRZ shells out.... because of the paint chip
  22. wrong... its not "like a CE28N".... its a gravity cast knockoff that can hold the jock strap of the durability of the wheel it mimics.
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