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Chad is Dead

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Everything posted by Chad is Dead

  1. complete BS imo. If I got some unmarked car cut me off and get out w/ the gun immediately drawn I would be scared shitless. I would think "this is some crazy dude who I pissed off and now he wants to shoot me"
  2. actually pretty cool concept.
  3. I have to agree with most of what Science Abuse has been saying.
  4. sucks that we lost. Of course we gave a goal away in the 1st five minutes of the game...then gave up another quick goal in Overtime. But atleast the Crew came up w/ win later last night.
  5. I'll be there tonight. But not waiting in line for beer this year.The lines are horrible. I'm gonna stop at Brothers for $2 anything{jack and cokes for me}...then bring some brew in w/ me.
  6. This game had me nervous as hell. We had plenty of chances and I was getting worried we weren't going to pull it off. Luckily we got the goal in stoppage time and move on. We definately deserved to advance. Especially with the bullshit non goal in the Slovenia game and now another bullshit non goal in this game..But I'm excited now. Going to be nice and drunk. Usa and then the Crew......hopefully pulling out wins in both games. Anyone else following the World Cup?
  7. If I can get my buddy to come I'll take them both. I'll just tell him they are playing songs from the album "Broke" and he'll be in....he hates their new shit.
  8. Em's cd- his rhymes are nice{though alot of ghost writing happened}.....chorus' were terrible. Drakes cd-recycled raps, recycled raps, recycled raps, etc.
  9. damn I didn't even know they were coming. I'll think about it.
  10. I love tats on girls...but think a sleeve might be a tad overboard. But its whatever. Do whatever keeps your boat afloat.
  11. If you could post pics I'd appreciate it. And where are you located?
  12. http://cdn-www.cracked.com/phpimages/topic/3471/summary_image.jpg
  13. For anyone interested....New pregamming spot. Won't be open for tommorows game but should be open for the World Cup and rest of the Crew season. http://web1.twitpic.com/img/107262444-cfb5451695519fadc4a9b5f0d445ddf1.4c0020c0-scaled.jpg
  14. Anyone going? Only 2 undefeated teams left in the league. This hasn't happened this far into the year since 2000. This is a battle of the titans. I'll be there tailgating a couple hours before the game or be at Ruby Tuesdays and then walk to the game. Anyone else in for this great game? Also, Usa vs. Turkey earlier in the day for the soccer fans!
  15. she annoys the fuck out of me
  16. I watched the whole thing and it almost made me cry. There is something wrong with those guys.
  17. nope...way to many shitty bands
  18. I just imagine myself getting stoned and this scaring the shit out of me.
  19. would love to just drive that around and run into things
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