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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. PM me details if you dont care the guy who details the cars on my lot needs one.
  2. Minus the rims that car looks identical to my old supra. Damn you man. I miss my supra. Te7two has a oil cooler on the front of his car does his opinion really count?
  3. Yeah I want to see this. I need a few more good trailers to provoke me into actually going to the theatre tho.
  4. This is why I will find the ultimate post apocolyptic bribe for Scott when the zombies come.
  5. I seen this the other day on gizmodo looks pretty badass bet it would be a blast.
  6. Yes has potential. The black car is a mk3....Quite a bit heavier if not mistaken.
  7. The fail is strong in this one.
  8. I think we need to create and sticky a zombie survival guide for CR. If this is not a good idea please lock this thread and make fun of me later.
  9. All absolutely true. I am just looking at the complete survival picture. I am capable enough to hike 10 miles with a 50 lb pack. Running a few miles will not happen. Surviving in the wild I would no doubt be better then 95% of the population and as long as I am part of the 5% who keeps going I would be just fine. I just have extra fat stored up to keep warm.....
  10. Pretty sure this is why he catches turtles http://www.google.com/products?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=s&hl=en&q=turtle+meat+prices&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=X&oi=product_result_group&resnum=1&ct=title
  11. I am not fast so I would not bet i could outrun anyone. But why do you have to run to survive. Lot can be said for being aware of your surroundings and setting yourself up for best defensive/offensive setting.
  12. Welcome to CR. I am pretty sure that is a rolling billboard.
  13. Does this count as a reliable rifle.... http://www.armalite.com/ItemForm.aspx?item=50A1B&Category=0406c9ff-539d-4b4c-ae1f-d045b91324c3%20&ret_url=Categories2.aspx?Category=0406c9ff-539d-4b4c-ae1f-d045b91324c3 Pistol would have to go with Kimber Gold Match
  14. I do not feel the urge to consider possibly giving my life for a politician. So I guess I will have to stick to non p90 conceal carry. Jones video tape you shooting this gun (possibly at a vest) I want to see a decent video could not find any nice ones on youtube.
  15. Are you sick man you have been being nice to people for like past week on here. Car does look pretty clean under the hood good job.
  16. That made me about choke. I cant rep you so just know i got some stored for you.
  17. 1. Walk to garage 2. Build this thing 3. Take pics 4. Profit
  18. Bastards are trying to turn my son into a fucking ricer.
  19. So essentially if GM said hey guess what figure your own health insurance out and kept paying them there current salary. They could save there own company.
  20. So what kind of loss hourly are we talking here. I dont know the numbers. What would be the difference between a GM employee and a Toyota/honda of comparable salary. I am pretty sure Honda Marysville makes decent money. What are the realistic numbers cause i honestly dont know what type of cut they are talking about.
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