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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. Is it not a requirement that all politicians have absolutely no intelligence?
  2. Drewhop


    Yeah my boss is one who told me about all of this. He is going to furnish a full trip to this Sport Course. I have always wanted a Over Under just never got around to it.
  3. Drewhop


    I have full and modified chokes for the 870. If I am not mistaken I always used a full choke when I shot but it has been a while. Hell it only costs 10 bucks to go out and shoot a few shells might as well try both my chokes see which one I like better. Has anyone done the woods type courses. Guess it is 50 birds. The course is set up so that there are 25 different angles that you shoot from 2 birds each stop. It is over near Coshocton.
  4. Drewhop


    Anyone shoot for sport or competition? Couple friends have wanted me to tag along and its been a while since I shot trap or skeet and only gun I have is a 870 20 guage pump. Which worked fine back then. But it only has a 26" barrell. Is a 28" barrell that much more accurate. I cant afford a new gun just looking to make mine little more accurate. Any input would be appreciated.
  5. The dukes of hazzard song kept popping in my head when I watched this.
  6. With a few modifications that is my new Zombie Apocolypse transportation.
  7. +1 I dont like the fact that I have to destroy or get rid of any ammo I have tho. That irks me.
  8. Its ok to stab people in the face with concrete tools if they fuck up your concrete.
  9. The better question is what are you going to be playing. But knowing who you are means that you need something flaming...... http://www.cyberpowerpc.com/system/Intel_Core_2_Duo_Custom_Build_Configurator/
  10. What I have learned from this thread is that Kenny and Te7two share common interests which means Kenny may start drifting soon.
  11. Right now I am containing the rage cause I am fucking sick of talking to people in India.
  12. Nah I am still in the first 5 years of a happy marriage I will get some here in a little bit. I am just up arguing with Timewarner cable cause my internetz is broke and they dont believe me. I cant watch more then 45 seconds of any streaming video from any website before my connection shuts down. It happened once a couple months ago and they had to come out and replace a connector that had a fried resistor.
  13. I am married what is your excuse again?
  14. What the fuck are you doing home on a friday night is what i want to know.
  15. Not gay if it involves a cup and a video camera.
  16. Changing your mind to please other people is gay.
  17. I second Dane Cook being pretty funny
  18. We charge 21% interest to people that have sub 600 credit scores. But we are buy here pay here.
  19. Cool car but I would get annoyed with that noise .
  20. I live on a big hill so when everything floods from global warming I will have to break the Canoe out. Paddling ftw.
  21. I time myself to see how fast I can shave my head. It does not count for my best time if I cut myself or miss any spots. Currently my fastest time is about 3 minutes 35 seconds.
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