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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. I saw a Blue Hyundai....
  2. Jeezus this is ignant.
  3. I think it was 2 1/2 but we just round up to 3. RIP Blanche
  4. How hard would it be for the .gov to aim a satellite at it and see if there is really a massive gape there?
  5. For what its worth I will watch in Newark. I sit along the busiest road in Newark for 8 hours a day looking out the front window.
  6. I rub pink roses all over my body. First wet ones. Then dry ones. If I am out of roses. I use Axe Dark Sensation and Awake or Alive something like that.
  7. Drewhop


    Did anybody watch the movie..... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skynet_%28Terminator%29
  8. This. Except we use air soft guns. Is it illegal to shoot fake zombies with fake guns?
  9. Emos with tails. WTF is this world coming to.
  10. I had a older one of these I put about 15k rounds thru it. I didnt have problems other then it needed a very good cleaning when I finally sold it for more then I paid for it.
  11. Drewhop

    UFC 114

    I want to see Rampage knock Evans out.
  12. Complete and total fail. Some humans are capable of great things when given large amounts of money.
  13. This except I dont like offering substance.
  14. I like a lot of the work that NRA does. Good read.
  15. Leave em. Paint hood. Use saved money on go fast goodies.
  16. http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?ct=u&car_id=277796238&dealer_id=71473&car_year=2006&rdm=1274818635014&lastStartYear=1981&model=M3&num_records=25&systime=&make2=&highlightFirstMakeModel=&start_year=1981&keywordsfyc=&keywordsrep=&engine=&certified=&body_code=0&fuel=&awsp=false&search_type=both&distance=200&marketZipError=false&search_lang=en&showZipError=y&make=BMW&keywords_display=&color=&scarid=280127699&page_location=findacar%3A%3Aispsearchform&min_price=&drive=&default_sort=priceDESC&seller_type=b&max_mileage=&style_flag=1&sort_type=priceDESC&address=43055&advanced=&end_year=2011&doors=&transmission=&max_price=&cardist=75&standard=false
  17. I would rather have a knife and not need it. Jamming my arm down the throat of a mountain lion does not sound fun.
  18. Great story. I have about 5 or 6 different knives I carry depending on where I am going to be. All of them sharp enough to gut anything I could find in Ohio. Man or beast.
  19. Cool I appreciate it. There is not a huge market for what she does but it would be nice if people searched her they would actually find something.
  20. My mom runs a small sewing machine repair shop. I am trying to help her get her name out. Dont know much about it. First would be trying to get her name to appear if someone searched for it. How would I go about helping her do that.
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