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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. Pay off debt. (Almost done with that anyways) Invest half and put other half in bank. Go on huge fishing trip. Something in Canada. Not near civilization.
  2. http://www.bonspeedwheels.com/page41/files/collage_lb_image_page40_42_1.png This. 5 star ftw.
  3. Your Ohio driver abstract spans the previous two-year period. License Status as of 04/06/2010: VALID ENDORSEMENTS: NONE RESTRICTIONS: CORRECTIVE LENSES ***END OF DRIVER RECORDS***
  4. I speak fluent Paul. Here is the proper translation. NWS for language
  5. Church Check list. 1.Bible 2.Preacher 3.Choir 4.Air soft guns Please circle the one that seems out of place. I am just messin with ya. It is good to have good activities it just makes me chuckle.
  6. Sounds like fun and good luck. I do wonder why the church has air soft guns...... I have not played but shot a friend who had one of these http://www.airsplat.com/Items/AR-CYMA-M187A.htm It was pretty accurate but I could not speculate on reliability.
  7. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/member.php?u=5834 I think he mentioned something along lines of boarding in one of his posts.
  8. Was it 71 heading north past Polaris?
  9. This thread has now passed the other thread in total posts.
  10. Dude seriously out of my thread. I own a Hyundai. This thread is about me.
  11. I saw a blue-jay earlier it was very awesome.
  12. I have nothing to add. He is correct. I will call my friend with the Silver G35 tonight and see if he is down for a cruise. I dont want to destroy the universe.
  13. I will post pictarz of my Hyundai when I get home. I was going to race you when I saw you earlier but I dont think your Audi is worth my time. Your hello kitty mirror ornament does not intimidate me.
  14. They are xxr's. Sorry I didnt respond sooner I was washing all the hater juice off my ride.
  15. Sorry man but I was in a Hyundai I dont notice GTPs.
  16. It was me. Thanks for noticing did you see my new Tein sticker. I havent lowered the car yet but I got the sticker on there already.
  17. Bump still need to get rid of all of them.
  19. Absolutely correct. I think there is more to this story.
  20. I was being sarcastic. After watching the video and reading the entire article. It just seems like there should be more to it.
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