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Everything posted by quick35th

  1. Those pizzas are going to get there extra fast in that car burning 93 octane the entire way. Why do you need to use a clay bar? Is the paint really poopy? I would figure a good quality wax would be enough. Not like its a show car or anything. Sucks when you put all that work into the body shining it up and you get that first rock chip on the nose. Makes it all feel worth it. Shane
  2. I replaced the fuel pump before screwing with everything else because I was not getting fuel pressure at the rail and the pump was not cycling when the ignition was turned on. Typical symptons of a dead pump and since I had a spare laying around I said what the hell. Shane
  3. Ryan, You need to remember that we completely bypassed the factory power wire going to the fuel pump coming out of the CCRM when I hard wired the fuel pump to the switch on the dash. So if somewhere in the line there is a bad piece of wire that's shorted out its not getting power anymore at this point. Also the CCRM that I got out of the '89 SHO in the junkyard is still good and has not blown up yet. Only thing that's blowing up is the 30amp EEC relay fuse and now the 50amp cooling fan relay. I took the fuel pump power and fuel pump power B+ pins out of the connector for the CCRM in hope to prevent any back feeding. After looking at the EEC-IV wiring diagrams on Michele on demand and on my Ford service manuals on cd the yellow wire fuel pump power B+ pin 12 is tied into the 30amp EEC relay which is why I took that pin out. I wish I could figure out where the grounds are all located at so I could just look them over one at a time. Shane
  4. Sigh, I don't even know the first place to check for voltage, amperage, resistance and so forth and what everything means. Electricity is not my cup of tea. I do however have a barrowed Fluke DVOM from Ryan. So if I knew what I was doing I could figure things out. Shane
  5. So I recently aquired a '93 SHO 5spd with 160k on the clock. I knew going into it that it has some electrical problems and I suck at fixing electrical issues. Anyways the car would randomly stumble/buck in low gears, mostly on right turns. I ended up killing the CCRM and then I lost power to the fuel pump. Long story short I hard wired the fuel pump to a switch on the dash because I figured I have a short somewhere in the wiring harness. So now the car does run BUT its constantly popping the 30amp EEC relay fuse under the hood. It will run and drive for maybe 20-40 minutes then die because it blows the fuse. Also after it tried to over heat I found the 50amp fuse for the cooling fan was blown as well Why am I blowing all these fuses? Any ideas? I do know the previous owner put a junkyard alternator in it because he thought the old one was going bad. Maybe the voltage regulator is bad and its putting out to many amps causing an over load. Idk its just a thought. Someone please help me before I go insane. Shane
  6. That Camaro looks sick. Shane Glynn Motorsports
  7. ROFLMAO!!! Shane Glynn Motorsports
  8. That sounds like heaven to me Shane Glynn Motorsports
  9. I lasted just over 2 hours my first time, now I cant make it past 10 seconds Shane Glynn Motorsports
  10. I hope they reopen as well. It was a really fun place to go. Shane Glynn Motorsports
  11. HA yeah right I'd like to see that Though if you did I'd be amazed and speachless. I am looking forward to this. Shane Glynn Motorsports
  12. Hey now had some things come up. I have a better shot coming over tomorrow as long as you dont work. Shane Glynn Motorsports
  13. Can be done. Shane Glynn Motorsports
  14. I found TPMS systems so annoying at my old job. Stupid lights come on over the littlest things which got customers bitching really easy. Shane Glynn Motorsports
  15. The car sounds good Ryan. Leave it dumped son no tail pipes! Shane Glynn Motorsports
  16. Why nevermind Sean? You know you want to do it in the 35th. I'll bring my SC if you bring yours Shane Glynn Motorsports
  17. You need to get it drivable first son. We can always prep it like my SC, you just cant have my motor http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k114/quick35th/SDC10068.jpg http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k114/quick35th/SDC10082.jpg http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k114/quick35th/SDC10087.jpg Shane Glynn Motorsports
  18. You bess get the 35th running, we got lots of mods to do. That power stroke diesel intercooler is sitting in my garage calling your name. Shane Glynn Motorsports
  19. You better put some Flowmaster 40 series on your mustang Ryan or I will be disappointed in you. Shane Glynn Motorsports
  20. So you got the Stang and didn't even tell me Shane Glynn Motorsports
  21. I just would not buy anything new and stick with buying older cars from the '90's. With the way technology is going now a days looks like I will be sticking to older more simpler cars anyways. Shane
  22. That sucks, glad I was not up that way last night. Shane
  23. Sean, I got my video camera back from Worst Buy yesterday. I guess their repair shop replaced all of its guts and kept the case. I'll have it at tomorrow's event. Shane Glynn Motorsports
  24. The only video that I have of my car autocrossing is this video: http://thumbs.streetfire.net/22cef7ad-8b99-471e-a310-9a7d0170e524.jpgOVR Test 'N Tune April 13, 2008 Shane Glynn Motorsports
  25. Someone should seriously take some video footage of the Thunderbird while its on track. I'd really like to hear what it sounds like from the outside. Shane Glynn Motorsports
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