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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. Don't get me wrong, MGS4 is easily my favorite PS3 game, but many people consider the lengths of the cutscenes a con, not a pro. I probably wouldn't have tried to sell him with that...lol. I like em though, fucking beautiful. Its also the first PS3 game to use every inch of a Blu-ray disk, space wise.
  2. You missed the entire point of my post, congrats on failing on that. Saying that other manufacturers don't offer products on par with Apple build wise is a load of shit. Plenty of manufacturers make damn good laptops in both aesthetics and build quality. My Lenovo, for example, reminds me a lot of using a MacBook in both look and feel, but was roughly half the price, with better specifications. Second, I have used a MBP, and I want one badly, that doesn't mean I let Steve cum all over my face like you do. Why the hell do you think I even mentioned having a hackintosh? Hackintosh's are for people with normal incomes, and not pockets filled with gold, who would still like the Mac experience. Before you mention it, yes, my 2 installs of OSX are done with legitimate copies of OSX. Third, Congrats. You had a shit time with Vista, so did the rest of us. Vista isn't a problem anymore. Windows 7 is the now. It has no problems. Runs flawlessly on all 3 machines in my house running it. Again, don't let fanboys sway you. My arguments are completely unbiased.
  3. To be perfectly honest, sorry, but this entire statement is full of shit. Watch out for fanboys, they will try to sway you one way or another.
  4. Either way will get you want you want. Although you will spend far less money going the Windows 7 route. If you just want Mac OS, then buy a compatible laptop and having an OSx86 machine, I have one.
  5. I think its a great idea! I would buy one.
  6. Heres the bouncing off the wall one I spoke of: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l14tCmsJk5M
  7. I was telling a guy I work with that has the PS3 version of the game about this at work today, an hour ago he sent me a picture of the error code meaning that your bluray is fucked. It was kind of funny.
  8. Did you even read the fucking post?
  9. Thanks Brian, appreciate it.
  10. Holy shit...I saw one where a guy bounced the knife off of a wall and killed a guy, but it wasn't as awesome as that.
  11. No. There is a clause in the AT&T Terms of Service that says if they detect your SIM in an iPhone, they reserve the right to switch you over to the iPhone service plan, and can do it without telling you. The 3GS has 2 different processors and more RAM than the 3G, and is much faster. I used to say that it isn't worth going for a 3GS just yet, but after playing with one, and seeing how much faster it is than a 3G, I say go that route. Also, what do you mean "iPod space"? Storage is storage. The apps and songs will use that space.
  12. Although the BEP one was pretty epic, this is probably my favorite flashmob:
  13. Episode 1 is out now on FinalGear, and since this is the first season they are shooting the show in HD, an HD release is coming out a little later. Might even be out already, I haven't checked back.
  14. Subaru: Either replace the motor with a stock one, swap in an EG33, or trade it in on a Saabaru or WRX wagon. MR2: Still trying to get rid of, just sitting in garage.
  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watershed_%28television%29
  16. Rally Pat


    Still waiting on the R8 TDI hands down my favorite car at Detroit that year...
  17. Rally Pat


    Ok, so I finished the campaign last night, and can honestly say that I didn't completely understand the point of the story, or even the last mission, for that matter. It just didn't make any sense, everything just sort of...happened. Was a really fun game, even if it didn't make any sense, but I wish the story was as easy to follow as the first game's.
  18. ....and before anyone asks.... http://www.hotforwords.com/ http://www.youtube.com/hotforwords
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