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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. Oh I do, but why spend the money on something thats equally as powerful, if not more.
  2. Its an arcade, you would be fucking yourself in the ass if you bought it. The arcade version CANT DO SHIT.
  3. or.... http://www.diyautotune.com/
  4. 2 guys at work went out and bought themselves one at lunch today. Got to play with it that afternoon, but not for long. Seems like a pretty neat phone. Kind of weighty though, a full Oz heavier than the iPhone 3G. We measured... lol
  5. A lot of the ZX cars don't hold their value real well. The engine and tranny get swapped a lot into real Z cars. I don't think the fact that it is automatic is helping its case too much, either. I would say 5k-8k at the most, and that is being generous.
  6. Yeah, same. I love my PS3 to death, but really only bought it for the exclusives that I couldn't have on my 360. Stuff like MGS4, inFAMOUS, God of War, Kingdom Hearts, ect...ect. The truth is that many games are written for 360 first, because its easier to code for, and then moved over to PS3. Coders are starting to get the hang of it, but like Rob said, many games look better on the 360.
  7. *cough* You realize, that both machines run on almost identical processors, right? Look it up sometime, the story is actually pretty funny. The GPUs are very close, also.
  8. Like someone else said, last time I checked, A+ and N+ were laughed at...
  9. The Sands of Time trilogy is one one of my favorite video game series of all time, and the trailer for the movie that will start a matching movie trilogy is finally out. Needless to say, I fucking loved every second of the trailer. I can't wait. http://movies.ign.com/dor/objects/664420/prince-of-persia/videos/pop_mov_trl1_110209.html
  10. Reminded me of this classic internet video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LV8cltkBpc
  11. Ive got an Asus EeePC 900A 1.6ghz Atom netbook, I just want what I paid for it, $180.
  12. Just a reminder to whoever bought this, ATT can automatically start charging you for an iPhone plan if you pop your SIM in this. Just keep that in mind. Its in the terms of service.
  13. IW is probably enjoying the free publicity...
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZzgAjjuqZM Welcome....lol
  15. Anything going on with anyone's internet? I have been getting 1mbit down and 1mbit up since around noon today. I have even reset my router and modem (for the modem, pulling the battery out and unplugging).
  16. Ok, but there is no fun in that video like there was in mine...
  17. I am subscribed to the DCShoesFilm channel on Youtube, and it showed up in my Subscription box.
  18. LMFAO I literally put that video up minutes after it was released, and now its down already.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxbQ-I_Qchg&feature=sub
  20. Been trying to get an invite, someone hook me up.
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