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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. As far as I can tell, its for an Intel contest of some kind.
  2. Network and Telecommunications Intern for Emerson Network Power last year, this year a Cell Phone Data Security Technician for a local company...only here because there are no jobs in the networking field right now.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/user/rallysol#p/ Ive seen a few AWD Honda swaps here and there, especially on CRX's. I would totally rock one.
  4. Also an open minded guy car styling wise, yet... that car is gayer than 8 guys fucking 9 guys.
  5. That is so cool, although I probably wouldn't have used a Developer Kit Console. Those things could go for a lot of money.
  6. Im for parts of this, completely against others. Some of the stuff in there is fair, other stuff is bullshit. Its just going to get abused by cops having a bad day, and taking it out on random people.
  7. Justice is one of my stations on Slacker, awesome. I am a big Daft Punk guy too...
  8. Rally Pat


    The scooby demands moar!
  9. I always wanted one of those for Christmas..
  10. Yeah, it's probably faster to just go download them. Just as legal, too.
  11. http://fyrhstrm.com/NewBlog/post/Lake-Superior-2008-Car-83-Co-Drivers-Diary.aspx#continue
  12. Mark Utecht.... http://fyrhstrm.com/NewBlog/popst/Lake-Superior-2008-Car-83-Co-Drivers-Diary.aspx#continue scroll to the bottom...
  13. The car was free, can't beat that. I met Mark a few times through my dad, back he was still driving an Omni GLH. Cool guy.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CX-oDR50au4
  15. Oh my god, the Muzak station at work plays the saaaaame shit, every damn day. And I don't even work in retail, thats just what plays in the building. Luckily, we change the station every once in a while, but you still hear the same shit if you stay on it for more than 8 hours.
  16. Hope it doesn't break your heart that Windows 7 has about the same system requirements as Vista, so the odds of it frying your system are slim...lol
  17. Sb settings, openssh, cycorder, backgrounder, gpsphone, My3G, MyWi, Winterboard, User Agent Faker, MobileTerminal...lots of others, can't think of em all
  18. Not saying yours doesn't. I'm implying that saying other manufacturer's machines won't get decent battery life is not right.
  19. I really don't feel like getting into it with you, its not worth it. Stuff I say gets taken out of context all the time on here, so I am not going to risk it again. MENACE, make sure look for bullshit, with a side of bullshit, with bullshit on top. Its bound to happen, just make sure you don't make the wrong decision and regret it later.
  20. You could have said "I like it because its easy." in one sentence. Instead, you went on you went on to list every Apple product you own and say some stupid comments about the design of the Apple store, instead of just talking about the computers. Again, fanboyism. Don't take it personally. But its just like Chevy and Ford stupidity, PS3 and 360 stupidity, Coke and Pepsi stupdity... It is what it is. Don't want him to waste his money.
  21. You might find this a good explanation of why we do it, and a good example of how easy it is to do. http://revision3.com/appjudgment/ip_mau_jailbreak It is nothing to be scared of, and if you want help with it, there are lots of us on here that have jailbroken phones and iPods.
  22. After spewing fanboyism for 3 paragraphs.
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