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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. I think the ECU in my MR2 has gone bad, and I would like to buy, or even borrow for a day or two, an ECU to test out this theory. Let me know what you have. Thanks!
  2. Well now...good showing from a sponsor, I guess...
  3. No MR2 or Scooby either Good job Rob
  4. Yeah it is, one of my favorite V8's for sure.
  5. LMFAO Damn you James, I was going to make that EXACT joke.
  6. Yes, this is exactly what I was referring to. Things like CCFL trunks lights aren't cool, therefore, I am just going to hang onto my rep for now.
  7. Most of the mods seem rice. Withholding rep for now.
  8. new to me too, I have gotten some really random things lmao I got like some dude's shoe, and someone watching an old movie
  9. Hi my name is Pat and I also drive a Subaru.
  10. No, that would be fail and AIDS. Its a 20v 4AGE.
  11. Happy Birthday skittles boy. Now shave that stupid fucking thing on your chin off.
  12. Bah, wish I had seen this. Spent all day working on the MR2 instead.
  13. http://farm1.static.flickr.com/2/1362599_02bcdea730.jpg
  14. Why not just go to the Polaris Steak n Shake....
  15. R32 FTW The R33 looks like an ugly pregnant chick, and the R34 looks like it was designed by a civic driving Mexican.
  16. Try the Asterisk open source PBX. It can do everything you are wanting it to do, and then some.
  17. Yeah, that would be cool if there was anything attractive about the Suicide Girls. Some of those chicks are just sick looking.
  18. Damn that looks good. Can't wait to see it completed.
  19. Motion for renaming the Dynamometer the Brianometer?
  20. I also wish to know about this....
  21. The RB is designed for track use, not for fag racing, although it can do everything.
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