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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. 2 year degree in Network Systems Administration finishing up a 4 year degree in Network and Communication Management Currently Unemployed, thanks economy. Expecting a job interview this week, but before this was a Telecommunications Intern for Emerson Network Power.
  2. Third Repost, Repost on Repost Action.
  3. The Juggernaut "Holy crip, hes a _______!"
  4. A 1UZ...oh the things I could do with that....
  5. The chapter is called "Death from Above" http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type=&search_query=call+of+duty+4+death+from+above&aq=f
  6. Yes, its from the game....
  7. The video you posted is a level in Call of Duty 4....ripped straight from the game.
  8. Rally Pat


    Aaron Ritch's STi probably
  9. This is just a call of duty 4 level.....
  10. If its the kid I'm thinking of, hes a huge douchebag ricer fuck.
  11. Definitely. I love diesel technology.
  12. I made a thread about this a few months back, and they are finally done with it. The results were pretty awesome. http://www.topgear.com/us/videos/more/topgear.coms-project-sipster/
  13. ? http://www.turbomagazine.com/tech/0406tur_knight_turbo_electric_supercharger/index.html
  14. It was worth investigating. Tokyo Drift was a good movie that only had 1 CGI scene, and everything else was done with real cars. This felt mostly CGI. I lost count of all the blurry action moments. Not to mention the Skyline GT-R which is actually a GTS-T because it was doing a burnout at the start of that race....
  15. Movie was hilarious. Just as crazy ricerfest as the original, and you should have heard the parking garage while people were leaving....
  16. ricers are in theater 17, cool people are in theater 4
  17. Regarding Darkplace: "Blood.....blood....blood....and bits of sick."
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