There is a huge difference between "bickering" and the value of human life. This toolbag has no respect for human life.
At least the fucking street racers take the time to stop traffic or find a place that there is no one around to race.
I have absolutely ZERO respect for people with an absolute disregard for human life.
Porn, goats falling over, cars at the track and on the dyno. No illegal car maneuvering that i can see, at least in the first two pages.
I have never bitched about street racing. Not once, and I still to this day do not know where some of these tools pulled that information from. I said that its not a good idea for Linn to publicly advertise himself as an active street racer, look what happened to him...
You have no idea what you are talking about. Maybe if you, like some of the other keyboard warriors on this site would come out to something, you would know how we really are at functions when we represent this place.