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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. The tranny went out on my daily. A guy a work with at Northend used to be a Saturn tech, and said that basically my only options were to get the tranny rebuilt or get a new one. Since it doesnt take very long to get the tranny off, especially on a lift, I am just going to replace it. I am also assuming that all of the Saturn automatic's are the same between all of the cars, SOHC or DOHC (I have a DOHC 1990 SC), but I don't know that for sure. I need this ASAP. Thanks.
  2. Media blasting tends to heat and warp metal, and acid dipping runs the risk of leaving residue behind that can either A) hurt a new coat of paint or B) hurt someone working on the car
  3. I was hardly expecting NO body work, but you can minimize how much you have to do by shopping with your head.
  4. Bah ha ha ha ha ha........ Oh the irony.....
  5. Bucca is a bit too over the top for me food wise, but its good. My favorite is Villa Nova on High Street in Worthington.
  6. lol Yep, Subaru had to be good at something. Good thing it was "hitting trees", as my dad used to call the sport.
  7. Wow, that was a thread that contained so much epic, that it could not be contained on one forum. Cannot wait for the thrilling conclusion.
  8. On a recent episode of Revision3's Tekzilla, they talked about this dual format drive: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827136133 Its a nice option for people who already have things like HTPC's
  9. 260's had the biggest rust problem, I want a 280.
  10. I would say July 2006 is a lot more than a year ago.
  11. Jesus, how long have they been working on this game? Didn't Robin Williams do a demonstration of it like 2 years ago?
  12. Rally Pat

    Emo Kids

    Its been a few years.
  13. Yeah, that definitely explains it then Sorry about your luck, man
  14. Out of curiosity, what do you mean by "Your internet cant run Xbox Live"? Do you have Satellite or something?
  15. Beta for short. I have a Betamax player, believe it or not. And "Stripes" on Betamax.
  16. Whoever said blu-ray and HD-DVD are the same quality, that isn't quite true. Many people have said that blu-ray has a better quality movie than an HD-DVD disk. In addition, HD-DVD is loosing the format war so fast that it doesn't even matter anymore, and now that Microsoft is going to produce a blu-ray drive, no one has anything to bitch about. This is not a 360 vs PS3 argument. HD-DVD is the Beta of this format war.
  17. I love Z cars so much, looking into getting one myself.
  18. Rally Pat

    Emo Kids

    a.) She is 16, you sick freak. b.) You most likely would not find her attractive. c.) Look behind you, Chris Hansen is waiting.
  19. Rally Pat

    Emo Kids

    My sister goes to Watterson, and they have French exchange students there right now. She said they call Emo kids "victims", and I have been laughing off and on since. Pretty accurate title, I would say.
  20. My steam ID is RokkumanEXE, I think. Dont use X-fire.
  21. Devry Closed at 5 also, for the people there.
  22. If you are going to put that much work into it, why not get a 20 valve?
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