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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. lol check these out http://www.poseidon.co.jp/3F/E&I/ei1.html
  2. I was just curious. I beat it a few nights ago, thought it was pretty awesome. The graphics are beautiful, but I think it looks a bit better on the 360 version. (Someone at Whempys had the PS3 demo).
  3. There was only one used car dealership that I ever trusted, and that was Beechwold Auto Sales. That is where we bought the Audi Quattro that became our rally car, and we were really good friends with the owner. Too bad its out of business.
  4. body builders make me lol.
  5. Ok, this is kind of a complicated question. Basically, when I build a new machine (Usually every 2-3 years or so), I try to build something that has lots of room for upgrades. I built this current computer almost exactly a year ago, but because of what I chose in terms of things like a motherboard (I am running a MSI P6N SLI), I have lots of room for upgrades. For a processor, I just chose a Core 2 4300, knowing that I would upgrade it to another LGA 775 processor later. I have a 7900 GT OC, which is still a decent card, although not DirectX 10, but like the processor I plan I upgrading it later. Really, what it ends up being all about is what are you wanting to do with your machine.
  6. I dont know if anyone else thinks this, but does anyone feel that the Phenom is just a way for AMD to say "Look! We have quad core processors too!"?
  7. I know you have your heart set on AMD, I used to be a hardcore AMD guy myself, but seriously, Intel has better stuff. They aren't how they used to be, where AMD out performed everyone in both price and speed. Jesus, I didn't even realize that nVidia had already released the 9 series. Everything on your list looks solid, though. You may want to look into getting a bluray drive, too.
  8. Bah hahahahaha That is awesome. There is a Facebook group called "Al Gore is an Idiot, and Global Warming is fake". I am a proud, proud member.
  9. A CD key is what gives a game it's value, it is very unlikely someone will sell you it. You may want to look into buying the game on Steam.
  10. http://youtube.com/watch?v=DDMi1vAQVXg
  11. lol I actually know who this is. Japanese comedian Masaki Sumitani/Razor Ramon HG, he is actually a really funny guy.
  12. Rally Pat

    New Job

    Got proof for me? Because the stuff I have says otherwise.
  13. Actually, I have gone to private schools my entire life (up to DeVry, anyway), and they never censored anything. They are allowed to teach us things that would never be taught in a public school. Example: Evolution AND Creation! Oh noes, not together!
  14. Rally Pat

    New Job

    I started this week. I like it so far. Everyone here is really nice, and is willing to help out with anything. I've got my own desk with a PIII beast of a work station (I think its the slowest computer in this department lol). They even told me that if I had homework I needed help with, I could bring it in. I havent really done much yet. One whole day was spent preparing where I sit. It used to be the storage area for the guy that sits in the cubicle behind me. Another day was spent giving me a tour of all of the network/phone closets and wireless access points around the plant, and there is a crap load. Tomarrow I may be taking a trip to the Delaware plant with my supervisor to help out with something up there.
  15. bigbird03specv turbospec29 Now labeled as homosexual. Good work.
  16. Oh yeah, Bill drove my car when he wasn't skinny yet.
  17. Actually no. The pistons would have exploded before even hitting 200. The NA 2.3 and 2.3 Turbo have completely different insides. Trust me, I own one.
  18. Fourth Stage was definitely the best, but when some people hear Initial D, all they can think about is that stupid Chinese movie that has little to nothing to do with the actual plot. Oh and if you liked Fourth Stage, check out Wangan Midnight. The same studio that did the new style of CGI in Fourth Stage did the CGI for Wangan Midnight. Its kind of like Initial D, except its about roll racing....kind of.
  19. LOL LETZ TAWK BOUT DRAGGN !1111!111!!!!1111!!!!1oneoneoneeleven
  20. COBRA saved my family. When my dad worked for IBM right before he died, we had COBRA and they handled all of our expenses. I think we only ended up paying something like $500 for some sort of RF blood clot scan.
  21. Well, if we are talking about anime... The CG Appleseed remake was pretty good. Akira is a classic, as well as Ghost in the Shell. And there is Intial D Third Stage, which is a great movie.
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