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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. Well, you are certainly right about the 2.3t not being autocrossable. (you would have to keep the stock turbo for that to work out) The turbo on mine has way too much lag to autocross it lol
  2. Or buy a 4 cyl, and put a 2.3 Turbo in it, and make 5.0's beg for mercy all day long.
  3. Although I have to be honest, they game is getting on my nerves.....
  4. I have another one.... Nick's impression of Anthony vs. The Rev Limiter
  5. I returned Stargate SG1 Season 8 because I already had it, and a Sirius satellite radio because I didn't want to pay the fee. I took the money and used it to partly pay for the 360 goodies I bought (Mass Effect, Halo 3, 13 month live card)
  6. OH OH OH I GOT ONE! Anthony vs. The Rev Limiter
  7. If you are getting a memory address error, try taking out your memory, cleaning the contacts, and them reseating them.
  8. I will agree with that, it was the first time I had ever seen a major freeway at a dead stop, not due to traffic.
  9. I don't know if I would call that night a good moment :\
  10. The flipped civic was good, but I like the quote in Hal's signature from that night we were at Hooters.
  11. This would be easy to get around by putting the license in a mini Faraday cage
  12. Nice to see you finally on here! Now we just need to the weather to be warm again.
  13. I do Mac N Cheese and Yellow Mustard. Tastes delicious. So does Mac N Cheese and tomato sauce.
  14. I figured out how to do it in Vista, and I have my laptop sharing it's wireless connection with my 360 through a crossover cable. Unfortunately, Microsoft has the LIVE sign up servers down right now for upgrades, so I havent been able to sign up, but the connection works. PS: Mass Effect is awesome.
  15. A guy I worked with rubbed battery acid in a sore that he had for like a month, and it went away after 3 days lol
  16. Excuse my ignorance, but what the fuck is a "Booth Headset"? Is that some new form of Bluetooth or something?
  17. If its as crazy and fucked up as the book was, it will be a good movie.
  18. There is still a movie coming out. It is unrelated to the new series, and the KITT in the movie is a Koenigsegg, not a Mustang.
  19. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_Player_Classic Thats what I run on all my computers, along with the Combined Community Codec pack. MPC runs great on old machines, and even better on new ones.
  20. I have all 10 Seasons on DVD and I would be willing to let you borrow them, Ben
  21. On my lunch break today, I stopped in GameStop to see what they had. You can get a copy of Forza 2 bundled with Marvel: Ultimate alliance for $20. The fucked up part is that Forza 2 by itself is 29.99.
  22. Today I took the cash I got from misc people and bought: Stargate SG-1 Season 10 (Woot, series complete) Halo 3 Mass Effect and a 13 Month Live Card Console is supposed to be here in 2 days.
  23. My mom doesnt want an ethernet cable strung all through my house. Thats the main reason for this. I considered Linksys' old school ethernet to 802.11b/g bridges that they came out with when Sony released the original network adapter for PS2. And a 4 port hub isnt going to do me any good, but I appreciate the note. And its not really a huge distance, my house is a 4 level split, and this tv is almost directly above the wireless router which is one level below.
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