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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. So you have only been playing video games since 2002?
  2. to be perfectly honest, i will still get a PS3 eventually, but I will wait until the lower end system is cheaper. the KH series is my favorite series of all time, and would make me buy a system. there are rumors of it coming to 360, but they are just rumors. nothing confirmed yet.
  3. I have it for PC, look on the CR Steam community
  4. But it doesn't natively support Keyboard and Mouse, hence the adapter.
  5. Ok, so someone tell me why I should get it. I was going to hold out and get a PS3 when Kingdom Hearts III or some other big title comes out (aside from MGS4, too soon). Are there lots of mod/third party software options and stuff? Also, where would be the best place to pick up a decently priced one?
  6. Picked it up. Decent laptop, minus the broken battery. Posting from it right now.
  7. Bah, its in the night crew lounge, nobody goes in there.
  8. Also from dictionary.com Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This en·gine /ˈɛndʒən/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[en-juhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun 1. a machine for converting thermal energy into mechanical energy or power to produce force and motion. 2. a railroad locomotive. 3. a fire engine. 4. any mechanical contrivance. 5. a machine or instrument used in warfare, as a battering ram, catapult, or piece of artillery. 6. Obsolete. an instrument of torture, esp. the rack. [Origin: 1250–1300; ME engin < AF, OF < L ingenium nature, innate quality, esp. mental power, hence a clever invention, equiv. to in- in-2 + -genium, equiv. to gen- begetting (see kin) + -ium -ium] I see nothing in there about cars. First definition is too general, and the rest of them have nothing to do with what you are talking about. Who is the hick now?
  9. heh one of my favorite old rotary jokes "You know you're a rotary owner if your motor is blown but still runs"
  10. Same. I thought she was going to be the saving grace for the family....
  11. oil escapes into the exhaust, more noticeable when the turbo is boosting.. dont know how many miles are on it, going to have to ask dave (Gas, Grass, or Ass) that one. Very very little shaft play, what I would consider normal. When their website was still up like 2 weeks ago, that was the price they were listed at. Ive seen them go for more than what I am asking on Ebay.
  12. I was an AMD guy for years and years, and for the first time ever built an Intel system last February. I dont think I will ever go back.
  13. I'm selling the turbo off of my car because I am going in favor of a Holset, which is better for my setup. It needs rebuilt. Was going to get it done, but I've decided to just buy an HX35. Columbus Diesel Supply should be able to rebuild it. $600 OBO, as this turbo new from Innovative (before they went under) was $1,196.
  14. its not there anymore, i dont think.
  15. I played a few times a long time ago at the SplatterDome off of Silver Drive.
  16. Anything with a cherry bomb, including the MR2 I had.
  17. Les Stroud has said on multiple occasions that he always keeps a satellite phone in case of emergency, otherwise he is on his own.
  18. Les Stroud is the shit. Bear Grylls is a homo.
  19. Just called Matt again. Still no answer. This is a christmas gift for my sister, she really needs one.
  20. I heard Crysis' story was forgettable, but the game itself is decently fun, not to mention pretty. I think I will wait to buy it. And CoD 4's Single Player story, however short, is one of the most compelling Ive played in a long time. Its the only game I know of where you get to experience a soldiers last moments.
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