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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. I wasn't talking to you....but whatever. I wasnt whining about my life. I like mine just the way it is. I was more or less commenting on yours, and how easy you've got it. Oh and that guy who posted above is a much, much larger douchebag. If you stick around long enough, he will jump on you too. Seems to have a problem with everyone at some point. Youve got to ignore him too.
  2. Hmm....maybe I can bribe a professor into doing it.
  3. Simmons, dont be a rotard. And yes, I might be buying it. I had a lengthy conversation with the owner today.
  4. Same. Thats what I love about directv, I dont have to get my equipment from them. Just go to the nearest Best Buy/Circuit City/whatever, and buy whatever new receviers I want.
  5. *had a semi-clever image here, but it broke* THIS IS COLUMBUS RACING!!!!! *kicks you down a well*
  6. I know, Ryan. Because we all know that AW11's are ULTRA SUPER RARE CARS! Ive got so much money that I am going to build a 2.3 Turbo RX-7! That takes mad dough!
  7. Heh I found a 10AE FC, but he is asking slightly more than my budget for a base car.
  8. I had hacked DSS for 3 years, then DirecTV found out my dad had been purchasing the equipment to rewrite the Access Cards, and they threatened to sue us. We sent back a letter saying that my dad was deceased, havent heard back since. That was right after my dad died, about 4 years ago. It was sweet though, we had a small pentium computer sitting next to the TV, which had a Serial out going to a circuit with a processor on it (forget which), which was wired to the contacts that read the chip on the Access card, and we were spoofing a car with fool access. Every channel, pay per view we didnt have to pay for, ect ect. We had 2 recievers with Emulators (computers with serial out, running the access card slot), and 2 recievers with hacked cards (card readers/writers, unloopers) Ah, the good old days
  9. Yes. At least once a week I take it out on a small drive. There is a clog somewhere, most likey the radiator, but it can be driven. I just wouldnt recommend driving it too far too long. In general, if you dont push it and left the engine cover open, it probobly wouldnt overheat. As soon as you hit TVIS (4400 RPM), and higher, you might want to worry about heat. Because of the clog, the tempurature wont read correctly on the temp guage. It reads normal operating tempurature, when it fact it is boiling off the coolant.
  10. Holy crap.....I didnt realize how dangerous it was till I looked at the second picture. He is very lucky, indeed.
  11. Its still here, if you want it, its yours. I need to pursue my 2.3t FC now, and this is the first thing that has to go.
  12. Not complaining, just commenting. Nothing to complain about, I love my MR2, even if it is a piece of shit.
  13. An 87 MR2, 1.6 NA, Rust bucket, that mommy and daddy didnt buy for me, for $1500.
  14. So like...when it's done...can I have a ride?
  15. You're 17....and drive a 2003 GTi..... Yeah.....
  16. For the last damn time, I have DirecTV, and it only goes out when its a fucking nightmare outside (aka, last week's tornados). And even then, the local channels still usually work. When its raining, everything still works just fine. The rain doesnt effect the signal, its the cloud height/thickness. If you have your dish aimed at the right satellite for this area (DTV has 4 Standard Def MPEG2 satellites, and 2 High Def MPEG4 Satellites), and you took the time to aim it right, instead of slapdicking it the first time you get a signal, it works just fine. I have a constant 99% signal when its clear out, and when its raining it usually drops down to 70%, which doesnt matter because its digital, and as long as I have a signal it looks fine. ...and we only pay $42 a month for 4 receivers, and their Total Choice Plus package with Starz.
  17. They spelled "Dyno" "Dino"
  18. Heh but on the megasquirt Bill, there are a few more points to solder than a mod chip.
  19. I am having trouble finding a definitive answer on this, but Mustang T5's have cable clutches, dont they?
  20. Yeah, I will definitely need an intercooler. Nick has one, but apparently Thorne currently has dibs on it.
  21. Josh, I can almost guarantee you cant assemble this thing. Hell, I use to build emulator circuits for DSS hacking, and I dont think I can handle the megasquirt. Its not that I couldnt actually do it, its that I dont think I could steady my hand enough to not screw up.
  22. If anyone has any parts laying around that they want to donate (yeah, right), that would really speed up this process... motor I have leads on, I know where to get the mounts, still trying to track down a place to get a megasquirt other than DIYAutoTune, HY35, and I need a GT T5
  23. Bah....I hope someone sues with 13 lawyers or something....
  24. That is really tempting, but I am looking for something with an interior preferably. This thing has to be driveable and livable on the street.
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