I had hacked DSS for 3 years, then DirecTV found out my dad had been purchasing the equipment to rewrite the Access Cards, and they threatened to sue us. We sent back a letter saying that my dad was deceased, havent heard back since. That was right after my dad died, about 4 years ago. It was sweet though, we had a small pentium computer sitting next to the TV, which had a Serial out going to a circuit with a processor on it (forget which), which was wired to the contacts that read the chip on the Access card, and we were spoofing a car with fool access. Every channel, pay per view we didnt have to pay for, ect ect.
We had 2 recievers with Emulators (computers with serial out, running the access card slot), and 2 recievers with hacked cards (card readers/writers, unloopers)
Ah, the good old days