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Rally Pat

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Posts posted by Rally Pat

  1. Hopped off the GME wagon yesterday. Hopped on the Dogecoin wagon today and made some DAMN good gains.


    The Robinhood shenanigans are complete bullshit. "We're doing it to protect the consumer from a volatile market." Yea right, get fucked. We know why you're doing it. F'n crooks.


    I took the 290-ish from my cancelled Robinhood GME order, and put it in to Dogecoin. Was around $600 for a second, sitting mid $500's right now. Pretty happy with that. Tried to go to Fidelity, but it kept crashing. Don't have big money to throw around, unfortunately lol.

  2. The irony is the banks/investors complaining about this. Bitch please, you've been influencing stuff for how long? They're just bitter because they got the smoke off their own game.


    Thats whats really hilarious, someone described it as "STOP THE COUNT" but for stock trading.



  3. Only know about M&M in Delaware, and unless something has changed in the last couple of years, its a total dump and a disorganized mess. Last time I had work done there, they literally gave me someone else's cylinder heads. If you can get by that, they will get the job done.
  4. He seemed alright but crazy at first, then he was dating that one crazy chick, their crazies crossed up and things went to shit. Example, I offered to help them spruce up their website which looked like a Geocities page for free, just cause he helped out a lot of people on here who were broke. They told me literally to "go piss up a rope", and accused me of "going to their shop and eating all their food" when I had literally only been there once with Alex L and there wasn't food. I tried reasoning with them, fell on deaf ears. There was a lot of calling me "fat ass" and shit like that, really juvenile stuff but I was in a pretty dark place at the time and that didn't help.


    Then I hear about some sketchy shit like taking CEL bulbs out to 'clear codes'.

  5. Wood burning stoves are a no-no most places, but easily the best heat I've ever felt working on cars.


    Torpedo heaters work, but work too well. I fucking hate mine. It goes from freezer to oven and it has to be babysat constantly.


    My long term solution will be a mini-split AC system that does heat. Theres a dude in our neighborhood who installs them. That way, I can just set a temperature and leave it. Its 2020, not 1985.

  6. I've been following a few people with early access and it looks alright so far. Cloudy weather dips speeds. Once it gets saturated with more users though, I imagine it'll quickly be disregarded for any wired connection.


    If you have names or IG accounts of those people, I would like to follow them too as a SpaceX enthusiast and Network Engineer.


    Oh and to your comment about the saturation, they have been simulating way more customers along with the real life beta users during the test going on right now. They basically send fake traffic back and forth at the level of a “saturated” connection.

  7. I've been following a few people with early access and it looks alright so far. Cloudy weather dips speeds. Once it gets saturated with more users though, I imagine it'll quickly be disregarded for any wired connection. It's a solution for rural communities absolutely, not at all for cities.


    One day when streaming 8k becomes the norm, good luck. You can lay fiber and upgrade equipment on each end of it and get higher speeds. Have fun upgrading a satellite.


    The satellites upgrade by being deorbited and replaced. They have already been upgrading the satellites all along, and will continue to do so. It’s not a solution for cities YET. I’m willing to put money down that it will be down the road.


    Also the coming generation of satellites will communicate optically via laser, and light travels faster in a vacuum making it faster than fiber in theory.


    SpaceX isn’t dumb, they already have plans for all this stuff.

  8. If by change Humanity, you mean trashing the field of astronomy and making it exceptionally harder in the future to launch anything else into space, then yes. But at least we will be able to quickly communicate amongst ourselves that we are essentially trapping ourselves onto our slowly dying planet.


    The astronomy stuff early on was true. The satellites were too bright. They addressed it and now you should only be able to see them when they are in transit for their final orbits. I fail to see how it makes things harder to launch things in to space, we know where the satellites are at all times and if they suffer problems they deorbit themselves. Even if they completely die they will slowly deorbit over time passively.


    There has been way too much astronomer fear mongering going on. Ignorance of the tech is not an excuse to panic. Just like that one picture that an astronomer took and was passing around, all the freaking out people either ignored or left out the fact that the guy who took that picture adjusted his camera to specific settings to capture the Starlink satellites.


    We are talking about providing the whole of human knowledge to every square inch of the earth that can see sky. That’s worth it.

  9. This is awesome! Anyone who knows me know I follow space exploration like crazy and I watch every single SpaceX and Starlink launch. This internet service and ones that operate on the same concept of many low earth orbit satellites are literally going to change humanity.


    The goal is high speed (100ish-200ish mbit right now, eventually 1gbps or faster) low latency (30ish ms right now, aiming for single digit once the full satellite constellation is deployed and functional) literally anywhere on earth with a clear view of the sky. Its in public beta right now, and everyone in it is saying its life changing. Its fast enough to game on, several videos floating around out there of people playing CS:GO and CoD Warzone on it.


    They are launching a pilot in Union county, but IDK what the criteria to get in is or if they have already selected people or not. If you live that way and have crappy or no access to internet, I suggest trying to figure out how to get in!


  10. I mean fuck, at my kid's school they were playing Corona tag and running away from the Chinese kids, making them cry. .


    That scares the shit out of me. My wife is of Taiwanese and Chinese descent and I have had to listen to all of her terrified relatives warn her about being alone in public, not being out too late or after dark, listening to people say shit like "Kung Flu", and having people avoid us - just us - in the store. I worry every night for our future kids.

  11. What a strange thing to say as we all go into a holiday weekend where we can't see our families. If you won't accept "mismanaging the federal response to a pandemic" as a way in which we're all worse off because of Trump, there's nothing you'll accept.


    nO oNe ElSe CoUlD hAvE dOnE bEtTeR, aLsO iTs A sCaM bY tHe LiBs To TaKe MuH fReEdUmBs

  12. Interesting, i would of guessed the 1660 super would be worth the added money over the RX580.


    The 1660 Super is definitely faster than the RX 580. Its basically a 1660ti with a discount. The 3600 is clocked a lot faster, though. I would say its a tossup.

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