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Rally Pat

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Posts posted by Rally Pat

  1. The microcenter one James linked too is significantly better than the Amazon link you provided. Per previous response I have a powerspec/Microcenter private label PC myself. My budget was different but the build quality and performance is amazing for the money.


    Biggest things you are really comparing in this build is


    Graphics cards




    Memory (most will have 8GB or 16GB in your price point (should be DDR4 with current builds). 16GB is a significant performance upgrade over 8.


    The below website is great for comparing computer parts helps a lot with the graphics cards and processors especially when doing different brands.




    There are a bunch of other things you can look at in a given build but those three things are where your performance mostly comes from.



    Having a SSD (Solid Slate Drive) as the harddrive is also highly recommended, even a small one for the operating system and your common files helps with load times. and such. Obviously the more space the better if you plan on installing a lot of things/games/etc.



    Going to make a very generic statement in that for the most part with PC's bigger numbers are better. With the two computers in this thread you have all three of the major performance factors are WORSE on the amazon PC.



    Microcenter PC

    6 core 3.6 processor

    16 GB of Ram

    8GB Graphics Card




    Amazon PC

    6 core 3.4 Processor

    8 GB of Ram

    4GB Graphics card


    Hope this helps! I'm no professional though haha...


    Oh boy, where do I start.


    Hi, professional here. Please don't ever, ever, ever, ever, ever use UserBenchmark for comparing anything. They have a very clear Intel bias, and have been banned from both r/Intel and r/AMD on Reddit as well as other PC communities for being complete bullshit. When AMD started curb stomping Intel a couple years ago, they changed their rules so that Intel still wins, no matter what the actual performance is.



    Memory amount is, in absolutely no way, a measure of performance. However, for gaming, 16GB should be your target minimum in 2020. That said, my spare R5 1600AF machine that I have hooked up to a TV has 8GB and still plays everything modern just fine. Also, the 8GB machine you posted has faster memory, and Ryzen loves fast memory.


    The 200 mhz difference between the Ryzen 5 2600 and the Ryzen 5 3600 isn't the reason the 3600 is better. No one is going to notice 200 mhz difference on a CPU. The real reason the 3600 is better is because the Zen 2 architecture it is running is much faster than the 2600's Zen+ architecture. This means that for a given clock speed (lets say both were running 3.5 ghz for simplicity), the R5 3600 can do more work for the given speed its running. This is called "Instructions Per Clock", or IPC. However, for casual gaming, either one is just fine. My personal gaming rig has a 2600 in it.


    GPU memory at the prices you are looking at isn't really important. We are talking lower end 1080p gaming either way, and the 1650 and the RX 580 perform pretty closely, with the 580 being just barely ahead. GPU memory only matters at higher resolutions where assets are larger in size. What matters is raw compute.

  2. How anybody can continue to stand behind orange man after what just aired to the world minutes ago I will NEVER understand.


    Many of them aren’t. Several key Republicans have said “Nah fuck that, we’re counting everything.” Undermining a main part of being American, the right to vote, is not smart.

  3. I'd love to see bigger breakthroughs in battery tech that use different materials and shrink the size more.


    Tesla just had their 'battery day' which solves basically all these, but they said its gonna be a couple of years before its ready.


    It should also quell the "EvS aRe WoRsE fOr ThE eNvIrOnMeNt ThAn IcE eNgInEs" idiots, especially since they are ditching cobalt all together.

  4. Will be interesting how this stuff plays out. Will be sold through GMC dealers, so I look forward to getting one at work.


    I however doubt you’ll want one at 7-10 years, maybe if the value plummets it will be worth it, but I can’t see GM pushing anything to be long lasting and old batteries will scare people off. Will be interesting either way.


    FWIW, Model S batteries have had pretty great degradation over time, and there has been a huge aftermarket around Teslas created to keep the older one's up to date and running. Even Tesla itself sells upgrades for its older models. I imagine if the Hummer EV's take off the same would happen.

  5. Fuck I can't wait to actually be able to afford something lmao. An EV truck is really what I've been waiting for, the Cybertruck is a bit too over the top for me. The Hummer isn't much better, but it is better.


    Also master stroke of genius turning Hummer into an EV brand, taking what was basically the poster child of $4.00/gal gas and turning it around.

  6. Basically any carrier's policy is it has to be on the network for X amount of days, then it auto unlocks. I think Verizon's is 90 days for example. Otherwise, there are services you can pay to unlock it but they are pretty sketchy. I just gifted my old Verizon iPhone 7 Plus to my mom who just switch to T-Failboat and it worked just fine, just missing a couple of their LTE frequencies.
  7. I was recently gifted a 2002 Tahoe 4WD from my father in law after I kind of fell in love with it after servicing it for him. I actually ended up selling my 17 Civic to Carmax, I felt nothing for that car compared to the truck. No car payment and I can actually haul stuff without having to borrow a truck from someone or rent from somewhere.
  8. Series S available on xbox.com NOW, go go go...


    I've tried to do it and check out, but the processes like bugs out. Says "too many login attempts" when it I try to check out even though I was already logged in to my Microsoft account.

  9. You have to enable hardware acceleration in the CLI to get the full performance out of Ubiquiti products. I agree its horseshit we have to do that as well, but I feel your pain. I have an Edge Router X. Probably going to put together a pfSense box or configure a Cisco router to take it's place, then I'm going to punt this piece of shit into the ocean.




    Edit: Look in to seeing if "netflow" is enabled too, which I read gets enabled by default when UNMS is connected to it or something. Apparently that will also cause hardware offloading to be disabled.



  10. I'm still here, I'll update ASAP. Cliffnotes: I got a new truck and have been servicing family member vehicles, and in my spare time I've been trying to get my AWS certifications. I have to stuff to post, I just need to do it. Its actually quite a bit of effort to make the write ups and format the img codes and whatnot.


    Thanks for being patient!

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