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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. 77nova has one. I am not sure if he is ready to give it up yet, because he said he was going to install a Greddy turbo from the same guy who sold him the car. The blades on the inlet side of the turbo are a little bit banged and bent, and the turbo could use a rebuild in general.
  2. looks cool. modern electric cars are fast too. some electric cars, like the T Zero, are faster than your standard Ferrari.
  3. Thats the first of 2 or 3 Johnny Ricer videos. And also, repost #4,784,981. Still funny though.
  4. Yeah they do. Go to their website.
  5. +1 for having no fucking clue what that was about.
  6. I want to buy a PC Bluetooth interface. Doesnt matter if its USB or an expansion card of some kind.
  7. wow. looks like the stupidest movie thats going to have been released in 10 years.
  8. 28.8 Brenden? Ah hell nah! 14.4 was the speed of my first modem. it was a stand alone external Motorola one, and it was loud. Very very loud.
  9. lol I dont drink anyway, doesnt mean I cant cheer for the team
  10. Rally Pat

    An open spot

    Damn. I am going to be gone. :\
  11. Not really sure if this is a kill story or not, but it definately was a fun experience. Brenden and I were there playing the usual games. Initial D ver 3 and Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 2. Then I mentioned that it would be pretty fun if we played that moving Indy 500 game. I had enough credits on my card to play 1 game, as did Brenden. We got into it the first race, Brenden took that one by a close margin. I said I wanted to play again, but realized I didnt have enough credits, nor did Brenden. Then the coolest thing happened. The dude running the game gave us another game. Drafting the AI cars in front of me, I slowly gained each position. This time I won. I think the guy realised that we couldnt let this little game hang in the air at a tie, so he gave us one more free round and he chose the hardest course. It was neck and neck the entire race, until Brenden hit a sand trap toward the end and my lead widened. It was the most fun I've had at gameworks in a long time. I dont know if the guy who was running that is on here, but thats one of the coolest things anyone could do. Thanks for letting us race.
  12. Welcome to the luxurious CR hotel. Please enjoy your stay, and the room service is complimentary
  13. This is up there with the most brilliant things every posted on CR. Props to you sir, you should write a book.
  14. If only it had a flux capacitor, time travel would be possible!
  15. Rally Pat


    I get it. I am done. *gives up*
  16. Rally Pat


    Another person who cant read. I wasnt trying to sway anyone else's judgement about the car except the sellers. It doesnt matter now, though. I am done talking about it.
  17. Go us! We cant settle for bronze guys, we need to go for the gold!
  18. 0_o Thats quite possibly one of the stupidest complaints ever.
  19. Being someone who doesnt drink at all, I cant provide anyone with any advice on the front of what to do. However, all I want to say is that people need to be more careful. This is going to sound a little cliche, but always have a designated driver. Always be mindful of how much you have had already, and how much time has gone by. My advice to you man, is to just take it as it comes. Keep us posted, and we (minus me) will try to guide you through whatever can happen.
  20. Rally Pat


    I wasnt posting just to start shit. I am interested in the car. I was trying to talk him down from his price, but obviously haggling must not be allowed here. And I havent posted in one single thread in any of the sales forums giving my input for something I havent had interest in since the first time Ive done it. There is definately some flawed judgement around here.
  21. Rally Pat


    you're god damn right. how the fuck else am I supposed to show interested in something? learn how to read. Dont threaten me just because you cant read, and I suggest you learn the difference between a developing business deal and thread crapping. Good day.
  22. I think thats the guy across from Whempys.
  23. It actually doesnt go that fast, he just had it in Super Persuit Mode.
  24. There is some place that is in the same lot as Whempys. I forget the name of it. Maybe 77nova knows.
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