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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. He is going to have to permanently wear a Faraday cage around his junk.
  2. Wow, congrats everyone. Users like the one above have only reinforced the first post. For being a few years older than us (which for some reason makes people on this forum think they are God), you sure dont act like mature individuals. The whole point of this thread was to single out a stupid ricer driving a Camaro, but somehow became about one of my best friends and myself. Brenden may be 16 (about to turn 17), but he is still a Senior in high school and has been driving longer than me. He knows his shit. He is not just some stupid ricer that does gay fly-by's or benchraces retards or the internet. He doesnt do stupid things with his car, like race the retard in post #1. So those of you who think you are tough shit just cause you dropped a shit ton of money on your car to modify it to fling poop at a guy who has owned his car just a short period of time need to get a life. How much money you have doesnt determine the order of the food chain, intelligence does. I think the saying should be changed from "If you cant stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen." to "If you are too stupid to comprehend whats going on in the kitchen, dont waste our time."
  3. If you have a legal key/liscence, there is no promises that it will work with a disk you borrow from somewhere. There are like a bagillion different builds of XP.
  4. I disagree with whoever said that AMD has lost the performance crown. Yes the core duo goes faster than a lot of AMD stuff, however the core duo isnt a bang-for-the-buck processor. Its a look-at-me-ive-got-money-to-blow-on-whatever-i-want processor. If you want to build a budget machine, there are many routes you can take. For example, for a gaming machine, you dont need the best of the best of the best. Some of the best budget gaming machines out there are Celeron D's for christ sake. The Sempron platform is fine for gaming also. Also, believe it or not, you can buy a Pentium M motherboard and proccy for cheap, overclock the summabitch out of it, and that makes a great desktop machine too because Pentium M's were built for low heat and power consumption in laptop situations. However if you do a shit ton of video stuff, like encoding, transcoding, and the inbetween, that is a situation where you need the best of the best, or just a step below it. A step below it would be, like in an above post, an AMD X2. Just look for sweet deals on the internet, sometimes you come across stuff that you will find to be too cheap to pass up. If you just do web browsing, go to a cheap computer store and pick up a PII-266 for $20. /2 cents
  5. in the 60's, the closest thing to GPS would be a ham radio on one end with a transponder on the other that beeped regularly. GPS didnt become mainstream till the early 80's
  6. Yeah. The law says that if your neighbor's network is not secured, they are giving it away. So if its open, feel free to use it.
  7. GMC Rallye Vandura 2500 V8: 14-18 on 89 Octane And I havent driven the Olds enough to know its MPG, since it is still not fixed yet.
  8. Saturn has really stepped up their game in the last couple years. They dont really make shitty cars anymore. Nice purchase, man.
  9. Rally Pat

    nissan 200sx

    Bump. This guy is a good friend of mine. Also, this is a nice, strong running daily driver.
  10. I see no reason why he wouldnt aside from the current problems. How about this, as soon as Brenden gets his shit fixed I will make sure he runs you (DarkFormula). I am not sure if he is down for the whole "Mullet and Pontiac sticker" thing, but I am sure he would give you a go.
  11. My friend didnt come on here to talk shit. People started treating him like he was some stupid ricer kid because he played it safe and didnt race. Also, people are treating him like he is driving some stock slow ass Supra. This thing is not stock at all. And yes, I agree with him. I bet Brenden would have won regardless. Thank you, Sam, for looking at the bigger picture instead of being an idiot like half the people on this board like to act.
  12. VA is a fun place to go. They have walls for every skill level.
  13. clbsinvaders said last night to me that he is ready to buy it, but you havent PM'ed him back.
  14. 1) New to him, hes had it 2 days. 2)Why should we bother? He wasnt going to run him anyway. I also think you missed the little "POLICE STATION" thing. 3) OH NOES! ONE LETTER OFF! OH NOES!
  15. We were travelling down Morse headed toward 77nova's house in his new 1988 Toyota Supra turbo, when this guy rolls up next to us at a light. We are busy talking and dont really notice he is there, but I sort of saw him out of the corner of my eye. His liscence plate was like "CROSSUSJ" or something like that... Anyway, as soon as the light changes, he takes off real fast. We continue to talk and he sort of slows to let us catch up to him. This time we take notice, because it is blatently intentional. He gets next to us and just guns it. Listen dude, there was no way in hell Brenden was going to run you. A) Hes having some boost and electrical problems we were trying to solve and B) you did what you did right in front of the police station at the corner of Karl and Morse. So congrats, you are an idiot. Good day. I hope stepping on the throttle made you feel special.
  16. My ass got burnt again. I sat on the grass the entire time and I think for the first time all season, I didnt step on the grid once. Edit: Oh and the Fast and the Furious and Initial D jokes were hilarious.
  17. I think technically, if it has an engine of anykind on it, its not a bicycle anymore.
  18. all sorts of games, whatever our attendees wish to play. CS, UT2k4, stuff like that.
  19. You forgot me, you dirty whore crossfusionATameritech.net or MegamanEXEv2 on AIM Also Skype MegamanEXEv2
  20. I'll be there eventually. First thing Ive got to do is go to church because it is our priest's last mass.
  21. Him putting RATM on that list, let alone as number 1, is enough to make me say "this guy is a tool who knows nothing about good music".
  22. I dont recommend the klite codec pack anymore, its pretty flawed. I recommend the CCCP. (Combined Community Codec Pack) http://www.cccp-project.net/
  23. The last time I made a comment like that, it got deleted and I got banned for a half a week by nurkvinny, which is bullshit on 26 different levels. I think everyone should be treated equally, administrator or otherwise. And I am pretty sure that friend was me. And no, I dont have the money for it.
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