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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. New season of Top Gear starts tonight. Be sure to check http://www.finalgear.com for the episodes
  2. yeah, i wanted to stop and say hi, but he drove off before I got the chance. and if you were wondering wtf we were doing, we were arguing. he said that he smelled weed, and I said I didnt, and we went back and forth until he pussied out and drove off. next time I will probobly go alone in my olds. someone want to send him a PM telling him to grow a pair? (clbsinvaders)
  3. I am more curious as to why this is in this forum
  4. *cough* http://www.bugmenot.com *cough*
  5. We pulled up at sams club next to like 2 WS6's, a vette of some kind, and something else, but my friend driving was too much of a vag to ask if it was any of you guys lol. I dont know what he is expecting, a neon sign or something that screams "CR IS GETTING TOGETHER HERE, COPS WELCOME!" Anyway, we were at the Schott till that cop showed up
  6. I was at Schott last night, walking around but after we got kicked out we couldnt find where the we were supposed to go :\ I was wearing a pink floyd shirt and a backwards mountain dew hat and I was walking with 2 other guys.
  7. a couple of my friends are coming, and they arent (at least I hope they arent) ricers. One drives a 77 Nova sedan and the other drives...*gasp* an accord lol
  8. im pretty fair skinned, and I burn really quick. I have developed a farmers tan because I never take my shirt off (wouldnt be pretty for anyone). My latest skin color is from the Autocross on sunday.
  9. I think ear cropping is kind of sick, and I dont really understand why anyone would want to put their dog though that.
  10. lol guys I was just messin, dont take it so seriously.
  11. 0_o wow....i totally just dumbed myself down 800 levels, I totally knew that was an AMD chip... *bangs head against wall for the next hour*
  12. lol my church has one also, except rather than the church getting the money, the familiy of the scrip users get the money deducted from their tuition for the school.
  13. The entire time I was watching that, I was thinking "Hmm, he looks like he is riding a segway".
  14. I camp every once in a while. I used to backpack, but I am flat footed and the trails are kind on those. So therefore, I like to stick to drive up campgrounds now lol
  15. er...i gave you all this help under the assumption that you were running aftermarket cooling...did I waste my time?
  16. ah but I see a flaw in this plan. If this car were presented with a real challenge, not something gay like...say...drag racing, a zo6 would take a corner without breathing hard, while the mustang would understeer into a tree.
  17. ill trade you my conversion van, see the thread in the corral (that is, if this is still for sale)
  18. http://forums.gideontech.com/index.php/topic,32644.0.html
  19. Check out http://www.gideontech.com . GideonX is a great guy and wrote an amazing article on his persuit of Opteron overclocking.
  20. anyone wanna post up some mapquest links to both area? I know where the schott is at, but I wanna bring some buddies who dont. (like my friend with the 77 Nova)
  21. Actually, you are wrong about all Opterons being good at overclocking. There are ones taht have to have a certain core that are good at being overclocked. The rest of them are shit. I am an AMD guy, so I cant really help you beyond that.
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