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Rally Pat

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Posts posted by Rally Pat

  1. unfortunately, tommy is correct. i have very limited access to phones that use sim cards (nextel, t-mobile, cingular)


    if switching carriers is an option, i will definately do my best to make it worth your while.


    i understand mang, but unfortunately i am pretty happy with Cingular. Although, if you do just so happen to come accross a SIM enabled phone...hit me up ;) (especially if its something like a razr or something)

  2. last time we had a good time, save for my car being flooded and me nearly killing some kid for fucking around next to it.


    You have my permission to beat the shit out of anyone else that does that....cant help the flooding though, park on higher ground. The landlord is a cheapass.


    Edit: Althought it was pretty cool seeing a 5 ft stream of water fly out of the exhaust of a WRX

  3. its a BYOC event, so you need a computer, keyboard and mouse, tower, and everything in between. we have no rules against headphones or speakers, so you can bring either. also, bring lots of friends lol


    as for what we play, bring every game you own. you never know what we might end up playing. We have official tournaments also, which we havent announced the final tournament lineup yet.

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