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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. List any sites you find that are protesting SOPA right now, or will be soon. http://google.com http://en.wikipedia.org http://boingboing.net/
  2. http://www.daveramsey.com/home/
  3. I'm trying to figure this out myself Paul. I'm in a position where my tax return will pay off my 3 credit cards. After that I plan on getting rid of them and use the Dave Ramsey style "emergency fund" credit card, where basically you set aside $1000 or however much, and use that as an interest free credit card of sorts, where if you have to dip in to it you pay yourself back ASAP.
  4. Easy, I'm not trying to start a fight with anyone, just saying.
  5. Definitely, and not taking away from their skill in any way, dudes are talented. My problem with the whole thing was stuff like in the trailer, with a bunch guys hanging off of a sliding car. Seemed like they were trying for a Darwin award. Even got flamed by some dudebros for calling them out on it, even going so far as to spam my YouTube channel about it. Its whatever I guess.
  6. Always liked Blastolene work, and this is pretty awesome.
  7. I would say this is a preference thing also. The 4S has HSPA+, and I find Android phones with comically large screens unwieldy. Not to mention, with Verizon's latest statement of "No new phones on our network won't be LTE" and the recent launch of AT&T's LTE network, the next iPhone is almost certainly LTE.
  8. :fuuuu::fuuuu::fuuuu::fuuuu::fuuuu::fuuuu::fuuuu: J/k, I'm not that mad about it. I would be way more upset if we were missing STPR. I'm still going to take those 2 days off, since the week after is my 1 year anniversary at work and my vacation resets.
  9. Here is video of it, there is an ECU tune setting that makes it misfire and sound like an old turd. With the flip of a switch, the engine gets full power back.
  10. http://www.insideline.com/features/collection-of-a-lifetime.html Tons of rally history, as well a lot of Ferraris.
  11. My dad is deceased, sorry. The guy in charge of it was Dick Paddock if I remember correctly, who also does the TSD that is ran on those roads now. I do have stories and memorabilia, though.
  12. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v202/MegamanEXE/b53d4126.jpg
  13. Heres some old Sunriser footage, my dad is in the Audi 4000 @ 2:08 and 2:35
  14. PS Sent a friend request on FB.
  15. Nope, Rally is gay. :gabe:
  16. I definitely agree with piggybacking off another club. OVR is probably a tad crowded for CR to join in on, but PCA would be a good choice. I'm in whenever we do this.
  17. Gayer than 8 guys fucking 9 guys.
  18. Yes it does, but a few still show up. Just sayin. Everyone else is good peoples.
  19. Being 100% honest, a few of the guys there seem a tad elitist, but I always have fun as long as some CR people show up. Show up in whatever.
  20. http://www.wwtdd.com/2012/01/its-the-first-five-minutes-of-haywire/ Not sure if want. The movie, I mean.
  21. I'm in the "can't we all just get along?" camp. I would say that no real argument has been made one way or another, so go to a store for your carrier and play with some different phones. Someone should come up with a service to let people test drive phones for a while to really get an idea for what daily use with each is like.
  22. Hardware isn't as important on the iOS platform. A limited set of specs means everything just works.
  23. bee tee dubs, you don't need iTunes since iOS 5.
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