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Rally Pat

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Everything posted by Rally Pat

  1. Grassroots Motorsports, which would also be a good one for you Scott. SportsCar is kind of meh, but you get it with an SCCA membership so nothing really to complain about there.
  2. It looks like its going to be awesome, really looking forward to it.
  3. Safelite is usually the cheapest because they make their own windshields. My mom told me that, who works at Safelite, so take it with a grain of salt.
  4. GTR = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGf9qtIeyBg ?
  5. http://gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs/160909_o.gif
  6. Looks 1000% better, good job.
  7. Well I was going to say "In before fanbois continue to reinforce an old redneck argument", but it looks like I got beaten to the thread. Looks sick. LS Mustangs are awesome.
  8. Saw Scott's car last night. Pretty awesome. None of that stance faggotry.
  9. I bought my 06 Impreza for the same reasoning. I was tired of my $500 barn find Legacy breaking down every week for something different.
  10. If its on the whole cheaper, then maybe it will pay off.
  11. Windows Live Movie Maker. Cisco shut Flip down, yes, which was one of the dumbest moves I have ever seen a company make. Flip was making money hand over fist, and Cisco decided that they just wanted out of that market and decided to kill the division instead of sell it. That said, Flips are EVERYWHERE. Very easy to find, very reasonably priced.
  12. Got a 5D MkII? GLHF. Seriously though, most people spending $1k are buying DSLR's for video. The T2i/3i falls in that range. About 500-1000ish (but I am sure you knew that). It sounds like what you really need is an $80 Flip and Windows Live Movie Maker (suprisingly powerful with a huge community to back it up). The Flips themselves also come with editing software, but I wouldn't use it for anything but importing. I edit with either iMovie or WLMM depending on which computer I imported the videos in to. I usually do my long videos on my Windows machine, because its more powerful and renders the videos much faster. youtube.com/megamanexev2 All the stuff on my youtube channel with the exception of the ones where I am talking face to face with the camera are shot on my Flip Mino HD. Image stabilization? None at $80, but make a hardware store stedicam from a bolt and a stack of washers and you're good to go. All of my stuff is shakey because I haven't followed my own advice. lol
  13. Flat black is fine for a set of steelies. Its winter, you don't need to impress anyone with a fancy paint job. Edit: Especially one that doesn't match your car in any way, shape, or form.
  14. http://gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs/160909_o.gif
  15. I didn't do much looking further than this, but you might want to go through these. https://www.google.com/search?aq=0&oq=visio+al&gcx=c&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=visio+alternative#pq=visio+alternative&hl=en&cp=2&gs_id=8&xhr=t&q=open+source+visio+alternative&tok=UimddTuepf07o5h1BvKAjA&pf=p&safe=off&sclient=psy-ab&oq=opvisio+alternative&aq=0c&aqi=g-c2g-b2&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&fp=26ca53a51662576e&biw=1154&bih=602
  16. Still need a clutch for stopping and starting, btw.
  17. A friend of mine is renovating a huge house, and buys all of his Lowes/Home Depot/wherever giftcards from GE. Hes been getting free gas for a long while now because of it.
  18. need moar, sneauxdrags aren't going to happen on their own.
  19. Same. Especially considering that the STi's transmissions are Porsche designed and very strong.
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