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Everything posted by Akula

  1. Take it to a high school parking lot and back up, alot.
  2. The legaleez stuff you can find on the DNR website. http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/watercraft/tabid/2726/default.aspx Best possible boat etiquette. Learn how to launch and recover the boat in 3 minutes or less. Boatramps cause people to lose 50 IQ points.
  3. I think people miss the point about movies like this. There is no deeper meaning, they aren't solving world problems. Turn your brain off and laugh.
  4. Age, diet, nothing, genetic predisposition, history of diabetes in the family.... I think it was like 15 or 20 possible things. No one cared, so I stopped.
  5. I have the same borderline elevated LFTs. My Dr. said, "meh". I am fine. Just means if you want the really good life insurance you will pay like $5 more per month.
  6. Honda stopped making this bike. Anyone know of a Vtwin ~1000cc sportbike, that isn't a Ducati? No Buells or Hogs please.
  7. My dad has no electricity, no running water. He seems ok.
  8. Akula

    Third World War?

    Obama will fix all of this. Don't worry. Just like it is Bush's fault it all happend, Obama will correct it.
  9. I have a friend that is a helo pilot. He doesn't have enough time in at the cpd for them to let him fly regularly. So when he could be flying the helo sits waiting for the guy with enough time in the union to learn to fly it.
  10. A friend of mine just picked up a 50 BMG. I asked why and he said "because when Obama gets into office it won't be legal and will be worth a good deal more than I paid for it." What do you think, visionary?
  11. I find it easier to just go online and order one... "Officers followed the vehicle that they believe was involved. The driver sideswiped a police cruiser, prompting officers to fire shots at the car,"
  12. I like Delaware res. It doesn't have docks this year so most people avoid it.
  13. Akula


    Anyone on here use Packeteer at work?
  14. You see how my solution was simple right? I use a mac, by choice. I am given a corporate Dell laptop that my kid plays video games on. I refuse to use it for business. Yet, I said go buy a dell. Because in the long run you will be happier for the price paid and the performance. BTW, if you want PPT decks converted to promo DVDs, Adobe Captivate does a good job with that. So does Apple iWork.
  15. I drove to Pearlington MS and spent a week helping people get back into their homes. Hung alot of drywall, helped people figure out how to help themselves.
  16. Allow me to do a mirroring excercise. Wanted, short term lease on an apartment, garage preferred, must be in a nice part of town and close to school, must be less than $800/month. Sounds like you will need to be flexible on atleast 3 of these points.
  17. I miss my military days of washing green peacers overboard with a firehose...
  18. don't do it man. if you cannot get inside you cannot clean it.
  19. If this is a work machine, that you can take depreciation on for the next 3 years, just go get the highest end Dell you can get and get the warranty. Then put getk9.com on it and block spyware/malware.
  20. You might want to clarify. Teller, manager, Network Geek, programmer, project manager.....
  21. I fish for Wallies and Northerns mostly. I do a bit of fishing for bluegill in Ohio but if I am going to get all geared up I go to Minnesota to the BWCA.
  22. Akula

    Cutco Knives

    http://www.tuftsobserver.org/editors_corner/20040924/my_summer_as_a_cutco_whor.html The line to use was “I get paid just to show the product, so there’s no pressure to buy anything.” I have knives, I love my knives. I don't like serrated edges, I am good with a stone so my knives can cut thru a pineapple like yours. Read the article and see if anything echos with your experience.
  23. Chain, I have eaten at Ruth's Chris in Columbus, Dallas, Atlanta, DC and Seattle. Mortons here and in San Jose. My favorite high-end place is in Dallas called 3 Forks (III Forks). I have eaten at Mitchells, I like that place as well. Good wine selection.
  24. MacBook Pro, Dual 2.4 with 4gb Ram.
  25. As someone that has been to Amsterdam, I can say that when I was there it wasn't like all crazy pot smoke everywhere. Yes, there was some. Yes, there was a line at the coffee house at rush hour. Yes, there are a few people there that are borderline homeless. Same as any big city. Amsterdam decided that drugs are around, leagalize the least disruptive one, and it isn't such a big problem.
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