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Everything posted by Akula

  1. Akula

    Fun winter

    Steiner for the win!
  2. Unless the OS is built by the people that build the hardware and don't have to depend on some other freak to make it work.... sorry, mac bias at this point, since the question has been answered I would suggest moving this to the kitchen.
  3. depends on if you want wealth or not. Some people like to rent, but if you are paying 70 or 80 % of what a decent mortgage would be, you are wasting an opportunity to build wealth.
  4. If you like Road Runner, you won't like the internet access via the phone. It gets it there, but not well.
  5. It is descretion but trust me, you take the expert line in front of me and you aren't an expert.....you will hear all about it. For those of you that fly alot, I suggest thrifty parking, they give you free days....
  6. They finally have a line for people that know what they are doing in the TSA line!!! No more waiting behind people with 4 gallons of gasoline wondering when this new liquids rule came about!!! Three lines - elite- expert knowledge of TSA procedure - general population.
  7. It is a business and things purchased for business use are tax exempt. Why do businesses get things tax exempt?
  8. I run a MB Pro for work. The ability to backup the OS, Applications, and data in one nice formfactor and then move it entirely to another MB/MacPro/MBPro is a very compelling argument. If you run XP in a VM and XP gives up, you can just go back to the last time machine backup. I prefer Mac, you don't find many Mac users that say "I will never do that again" but you find plenty of Mac users that say "I don't know why I didn't do this sooner".
  9. I like the flipped object return. I used to have a Wireless system I plugged into Hotels and it said something like Free-HOTELNAME-Wireless. I then would watch where people went.
  10. I suggest moving to kitchen, I further suggest taking a basic grammar class. "that are not move. Why is this????????????"
  11. Ackerson (Aickerson sp?) in Hilliard.
  12. http://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2008/08/iphone-202-ki-1.html
  13. Actually, his parents did something smart. They told him, you learn/get homework done, you can do whatever you want. Some people just don't learn the way the rest of us do. So, now he has very focussed periods of learning followed by marathon jam sessions. So long as his parents are supporting him with the education, he's probably better off. I remember how shitty school was for me, I didn't think the same conformed thoughts the rest of the school did.
  14. Akula

    Read Me~!

    He might, if you stop saying like between each subject.
  15. A friend of mine had his cut off of his SR5, sawzall in his work parking lot. I guess the crack heads get $100 each.
  16. Interesting but alas, not in production.
  17. found it http://sheldonbrown.com/harris/lighting/bottle.html
  18. Look at Target, they have loads of bike stuff. Anyone know where I can get a bike light that runs off a generator, the generator rubs against the tire...?
  19. Google says..... http://www.clelaw.lib.oh.us/Public/Misc/FAQs/Reposses.html <-lists the ORC's associated. http://www.ohiolemonlaw.com/ofc-repo-rights.html <- interesting My suggestion is to ask your attorney. If you say you don't have one, and you do this sort of thing on a regular basis, you might want to consider one.
  20. Reply, I only work in person, in cash, as there are a bunch of punk Nigerians scamming people out of their cars.
  21. I like Fernindina Beach, The Ink Doctor is down there. He does work on Alice Cooper, friends of my old boat.
  22. Prostitution and drugs is how they control those dimwitted women.
  23. Get 5500w generator, they are cheap and have 120V inverter built right in.
  24. Akula

    Read this.

    Thank you for calling our attention to it. Heroes are hard to find. Even harder to find are genuine American Heroes that will not admit they are any better than anyone. Hand Salute ..... Two
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