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Everything posted by Ambrosia

  1. If he didn't know what the fuck he was doning, why did you try in the 1st place!?!?!?!?! 2nd why didnt he order a book on it before he started? graemlins/slap.gif
  2. Dude no one would pay to see you pee on women!
  3. You would have to wax your back first! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
  4. Happy B-day!! Don't get too lit up!
  5. try home depot, it is a ware house, but it doesn't feel like one. they start out at $8-25 an hour
  6. Ambrosia

    legal question

    Call the police then you know there are home and the police will stand there with you while they give it to you, they call it a civil stand by, just call they will meet you some where and follow you over.
  7. I'm buying the dvd, the graphic's kicked ass!
  8. 3 & 5 are great HEE HEE HEE HEE
  9. Ambrosia

    Goodbye CR.

    Don't pee on women in cleveland they will get a little pissy!
  10. OMG I wana see that movie so bad, I'll go!
  11. Ambrosia


  12. Ambrosia

    Pee?? lol

    Ok I gotta ask! Why do guys like to pee on women?
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