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Everything posted by Ambrosia

  1. today i had to fix a roof, and i got some tar on my hands. anyone know how to get it off?
  2. i wonder if i could get a job making fun of ricers......mmmmm.....i want that job!
  3. Ambrosia


    i think i should get to decide since im a chick...but we need pics
  4. Ambrosia

    new car

    ok will I have no debit so that’s not a problem...and the bf we just found out is a millionaire on paper....and his credit is prefect...plus we have two houses and we are looking for a third so.....
  5. graemlins/thatfunny.gifgraemlins/grin2.gif
  6. it could be worst... it could be tri-colored...not to name, names....dave
  7. there is one i know of its between eastland mall and the freeway...but they close about 5 or 6 they are open on sat too though
  8. Ambrosia

    new car

    we there talking last night and we think we can get the payment around $400 if so we are really going to think about getting one .... there really nice... they ride like a car but roomy like an suv
  9. Ambrosia

    new car

    we there talking last night and we think we can get the payment around $400 if so we are really going to think about getting one .... there really nice... they ride like a car but roomy like an suv
  10. Ambrosia

    new car

    will yes i thats why we are looking at suv's....we have two businesses soon to be three and i'm starting a new job....ill be in my car for most of my time traveling back and forth ... i what a car but we need a suv
  11. Ambrosia

    new car

    ok i have a problem... this weekend kelly bmw let me take a x3 home for the weekend and now i'm not sure what i want that thing is sweet...but it may be out of our price range is there any suv's that compare?
  12. Ambrosia


  13. Ive never used this software before and im try to link my web site to the net and i cant fig it out...any help would be great... thanks
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