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Everything posted by Ambrosia

  1. Ambrosia


    I went to the doctor about 3 weeks ago, spent $100.00 and I still have posion ivy. This sucks. I think I'm just going to fill a baby pool up with bleach and live in it for about a week, that will get rid of this shit.
  2. for sale $1000.00. I have pics up soon. Other wise send me a pm if you would like to see it.
  3. for sale $1000.00. I have pics up soon. Other wise send me a pm if you would like to see it.
  4. Ambrosia


    shut your hole, this stuff sucks
  5. Ambrosia


    your screwed, you should have taken the test, its better if you take it and fail then to refuse from a courts point of view. and 2nd any open container in the front or back is NOT ok. in there eyes it could be pass from one person to the other.
  6. Ambrosia


    I've got f*ing poison ivy for the 1st time in my life, and tomorrow I've gota go to the doctor so they can stab me with a big f*ing needle in the bum bum. This sucks. end rant
  7. YES!!!! I can also drive anything you put in front of me! when would you like me to start?
  8. http://www.bushgnome.com/images/mainpic.jpg
  9. Ambrosia

    of Fury?

    gas,grass or ass aka the_crackpipe_of_fury = the asscrack_of_fury!! HAHAHAHHAHAHA
  10. no they got it all wroung thats dave's job!
  11. really, I can do oil changes in my sleep, do you think thats all I would need to know?
  12. HAHAHAHAHA I know the kid with the cam its my b.f. brothers friend bbbwwwaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!
  13. Ok, yes I have big boobs, but I also have a huge ass, so no I don't think everyone wants to see it. I would prefer to keep my clothes on, but thanks.
  14. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA thats great
  15. So if yours passed, then think about what wouldn't pass...mmmm
  16. Or maybe I'll be a cherry picker or a hotdog stand person, yeah!!!
  17. People should be watching there kids too
  18. I have thats why I don't gotta work, only if I want too.
  19. I'm Ambrosia or sarah, dave's freind. No I don't have any cert, and I don't want fast food, I don't really need job, but I'm thinking of getting one.I want something cool tho. something that will be able to keep me busy.
  20. HAHAHA you can't get any!!! You know as a chick, I don't know of any my freinds that don't get some everyday.
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