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Everything posted by 99ta

  1. 99ta

    Go Steelers

    Man I can't stand the steelers....great game tho.
  2. Thanks, this is our second boy.
  3. Braxton Eli http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s43/biggie2424/Braxton059.jpg Mother and baby are great.
  4. still the titled owners vehicle..... so if I gave my car to my brother and he insured it and wrecked it, he should get the money b/c he carried insurnace on it? I don't think so, it would still be my car.
  5. titled owner gets paid. unless titled owner states otherwise...
  6. can't find a leak anywhere either....
  7. 99ta

    WTB - Closet

    Looking for a closet I can hang stuff in to put in my garage.
  8. interested if still avail as well. me brother in law just got laid off...
  9. anyone have the hook up for a updated map? thought I bought a lifetime map upgrade, but apparently not. just bought this a few months ago and IT SUCKS. never once took me to me destination. sometimes its 5 miles off....
  10. My wife has been a nurse for about 9 yrs. She has done home health, nursing home, dialysis, and now at OSU transplant. Dialysis is a very high paying job. my wife made $30 per hr, with no expirence. but if is a VERY difficult job and I would not recommend that to anyone. 14hr days on your feet the whole time, getting up at 3am.... She got offers from Ohio Health and OSU to work on the floor, and they were oferring about $25/hr. She is blessed to have her current job. pays way more than the floor and m-f 8-4 office job. Def get your bsn, like stated above it will soon be a requirement.
  11. Looking for front seats for a camaro ss. They are charcoal. Thanks.
  12. 99ta


    good!! you went in with concussion symptoms and they did no test?!
  13. 99ta

    New to CR

    pretty sure I know who owned that. he worked there or traded it in?
  14. 99ta


    whats your name?
  15. 99ta


    no they dont. that ended years ago.
  16. 99ta


    its Eric not adam...
  17. 99ta


    I live close by too. wheres the property?
  18. well they were never side by side. one passed the other and was trying to catch up. so the mustang passed the camaro and the camaro saw his front tire was about to fall off so he sped up to alert the mustang, but the mustang was in a hurry so they had to go over the speed limit to catch him..... they didnt take off at the same time and they weren't going to a pre identified stopping point.. I know their intentions were to racing, but that video was not racing. they got what they deseved, as in the ticket. they didn't deserve to have someone pull out in front of them...
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