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Posts posted by 99ta

  1. How do you like doing claims there? I'm going through the interview process for the claims adjuster position up here in Mayfield. Anything I should know before doing the phone interview?



    I love it. Progressive is very good company to work for. They take good care of its employees. just be positive. its all about customer service.

  2. MAG sent invitations to people who had purchased a new Lambo, Ferrari, Bentley, Aston, Porsche, or Lotus at the dealership. I wouldn't have gone by myself (can't afford a new Gallardo), but knew that Chad was a big Lambo enthusiast, so he went as my guest.


    nice. what a good friend!

  3. I wasn't saying anything about brian. nor has anyone in this thread..... everyone that has posted knows brians ability. I was just pointing out there is more to numbers then a tune. no reason to bash erics ability. my car runs VERY well and was tuned by eric. Brian told me himself how much respect he has for erics tuning...
  4. so not to take anything away from brian b/c he is awsome but, you picked up 16 wheel and you changed a smashed y pipe? sorry but that 16 wheel could be many diferent things. I wouldnt say it was in the tune or the way it was tuned (sd to maf). hell, linn pick up 40 wheel with just a cutout. a smashed y pipe would be the difference. so could weather and different dynos. but if "feels" stronger thats all that matters.
  5. Yeah, unfortunately the people who typically have strong feelings against him are ignorant as fuck and would vote for someone like Palin or O'Donnell, who are probably the 2 biggest idiots I've ever seen who are up for election.


    But fuck politics


    I am all for having an idiot as president, what else could really go wrong? lol

  6. yeah lidel will not come back in the ufc. to many head injuries, dana dosen't want to deal with the backlash if something were to happen to him.


    tito did get beat up, but I though he looked a lot better than his last fight. Hamil is no slouch....

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