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Everything posted by 99ta

  1. just stopping by......although I would like to know how it all turned out.
  2. I dont know I heard the 2000 is fast and corys car isn't all that fast.....
  3. 99ta

    Mach 1

    I would go with a mach1 if you can find one for under 15k. or You can def find and fbody for that. good luck and you really can't go wrong with either of the cars.
  4. no way. couldn't leave my son.
  5. 99ta

    sup dudes

    you guys are ruff.
  6. 99ta

    sup dudes

    welcome to the site! don't worry about all the comments some of these guys don't like new people. nice clean car though. just think about what you type. there are all kinds of cars on here.
  7. the end is here!!!! thanks good dr
  8. 99ta

    call out

    so whats the plans? you know I am always down.
  9. Yeah I will follow this. the end was crazy!
  10. nice car! pm me if you want to meet up sometime. I work in chilli.
  11. Ok my wife is taking an online course and she needs to purchase a book, but it cost $135!! Just wondering if anyone here knows where I can find it cheaper. Its ITS1000 Computer and Internet Literacy Author:Manzo copyright:2008 Publisher:Pearson CustomISBN:0555008568 I have checked Amazon and ebay. Thanks!
  12. so does anyone know how the accident happened? that article just confused the crap out of me.
  13. I am elgible for an upgrade. what free phones do you offer for the 2yr?
  14. the anti crist will be loved by many or so I have read
  15. yeah bens a cool guy and very nice car. one of the cleanest I have seen. I think he had a blast at the dyno day playing fooball with all the kids, lol.
  16. nice meeting you mike. glad they liked the toys and I hope the clothes fit as well. wish her the best.
  17. I would have some too, have a very spoiled 5 yr old.
  18. 99ta


    tom wilson...but its sold out. went to get tickets a little bit ago. any other comedy clubs other than shadow box.
  19. 99ta


    maybe we are going to the 715 show
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