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Everything posted by 99ta

  1. just curious, why did you drop the price from 60 to 45 for kilkare? wouldn't that have helped cover some of the refunds?
  2. I will have some pissed friends if this is cancelled, lol. how many more do we need?
  3. you didn't honk or wave did you? I didn't see you. and whys my offer funny? I know what they were listed for when you bought them, and knowing you, thats not what you paid.
  4. paid for my brother in law! I have signed up three including me, my work is done here. see you guys sunday! Eric
  5. 99ta


    nice TA, what are the mods, numbers, times, ect?
  6. if its a repost, who cares I haven't seen it.
  7. haha thats awsome. cute girl!
  8. I will sit in the corner with you....
  9. apparently LJ is in the oil bussiness. buy some shares off of him then you guys can compare you net worth....
  10. yeah but they don't make my car faster.......
  11. bummer, hope it goes to good hands. wish I would have gotten to see it in person good luck, the market is tough right now, be prepared to sit on it for awhile.
  12. want to sell outright? unless you would want my rims, lol. they have nittos on them....
  13. lol. now that was funny.. +rep for making me laugh. been a long day at work.
  14. he might have been stupid, but still has a family and loved ones. if that was your dad, would you laugh at his funeral and call him stupid?
  15. I guess someone with that outlook on life would find it funny.
  16. IPS was a $100 cheaper for my tune and Eric did a great job. Not that i wouldn't take my car to Brian, I know he is good too.
  17. 99ta

    sunday dispatch

    man I feel for everyone involved. and I know it was discussed to send something to the Durbans family. but if something was sent I am sure it would have made things worse, like CR was accepting responsiblity for their actions. There are a lot of facts that aren't mentioned in the news. I am sure the auth did everything they could to prosecute those involve, obv they didn't have enough. And I find it VERY hard to believe Georges wife made that comments...... And why should CR be ashamed for stepping up and helping a friend in a time of need? There is a widow and two unfathered children out there, do they not matter? I think CR did the right thing. God Bless to all that were effected by this accident.
  18. can't go wrong with brian or IPS. I chose IPS mainly because there price was much better. they did a great job though! my car picked up good power from the tune. but as you can see brian does greak work too...
  19. +1 man. fix it take some pics to the judge. your best option!
  20. I have two friends that are def in. when they get me the money I will sign them up early next week.
  21. anthony I completly see your frustration. but personally, I had to ask everyone I knew for a trailor, finally got one friday afternoon. I have to change my plugs. and frankly I was really looking forward to running my car for the first time. my dad was going to come, which is a big deal in its self. I am still fine with the 10th, but was disappointed to hear about the canellation. Thanks for your hard work as I am sure the 10th will be just as good if not better. Eric
  22. gotcha, kilkare is closer to me anyhow. it was hard work getting the car and trailor ready though.... I was pumped to run my car for the first time.
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