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Posts posted by 99ta

  1. We accomplish this by getting rid of all the free loaders in the US and instead of making the rest of us pay for them. Put the burden on them for as long as it takes.


    On food stamps, disabilty or received treatment at the ER but had no means to pay. Then here's your bill that will in turn be worked off. Congratulations, you're a fucking street sweeper now and here's your bag and orange vest.


    This country and Obama especially offer way to many handouts without assigning the responsibility of the costs associate with them to the people receiving them. Then mandate that they get off their asses and work it off. New rule, if you don't work, you don't eat. Guess what, people will work. Those that refuse, won't be missed.


    I remember the days before Regan signed Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor law when people would be dumped off to die. Sorry, but guess what, Darwin wins. It's not the hospital or me that is allowing it. Obviously you have no family or friends that gave a shit or had the means so in the end, perhaps it was the right thing to happen. Sucks but it's true. If the above is actually the case, then there's no point in putting the cost of care on me with zero chance of it being recouped.


    Feel that's harsh? Then perhaps the churches and other charities will kick in. Newsflash, I don't run a fucking charity and we shouldn't be forced to.


    I'm tired of hearing and seeing fucking FAT ASS people, talking on free cell phones, collecting any number of public assistance dollars not being held accountable for the costs of these programs nor being held responsible for getting their act in order to better their lives. I'm sorry, but this is 2012 and everyone has a chance. Figure it out or die not trying. The rest of us will be better off if those that can't are no longer among us.


    Obama is master at lowering the bar. He's also a very polished bullshitter. The masses were clearly BS'd and didn't believe those of us that told them we knew better.


    Obama: This is not a tax, the middle class won't be taxed. Today, the courts are calling it a tax.

    Obama: It won't raise the cost of our health insurance premiums; yet premiums continue to rise and we all know they will skyrocket once insurance co's are forced to cover the new mandates in the bill.

    Obama: Told everyone that we will be able to keep our current insurance plans if we like them, yet what are the chances employers are going keep offering insurance plans under the new bill? Many if not most will not. They are going to push their employees to the exchanges where the bar is set for the lowest bidder.

    Obama: Told us it will be good for our economy, yet even today articles are popping up where companies admit to sitting on cash and not opening up to new hires until now after the election.


    wheres the like button?

  2. It's like a disease that grips you and doesn't want to let go. I don't think anyone can say what they would do or how they would act without having to go through it. My cousin did the same thing a few years back, highly decorated soldier. It can happen to some strong, great people. I get the feelings towards the guy for abandoning his family but it's not as cut and dry as a choice. As far as not being religious, I believe that it is a personal relationship one has with/if there is a god. If the time comes that I am faced with judgement by my maker and I am judged for anything other than how I lived my life, I will accept my fate. I daily do what I feel is right. I make mistakes but I don't feel that praising in word alone should determine if I burn or bask in the glory for eternity. If I burn because I failed to acknowledge yet a son of a bitch is allowed peace simply because he asks for forgiveness then so be it. I feel for the family but I dont necessarily blame the man the same as I wouldnt blame a person who developed cancer.


    very well said man


    I will say a prayer for his family!

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