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Everything posted by 99ta

  1. I just got back from a norwegian cruise line a couple weeks ago. the ship was great, very nice. went to cozemel and grand caymen. my wife and I loved it. I agree don't do the excrusions. get a room in the middle of the ship as that is where there is the least movement.
  2. 99ta

    s4 in lancaster

    yeah it was a nice car. Had some rims on it and exhaust. thanks for the info.
  3. 99ta

    s4 in lancaster

    not sure how new it was. he gave me a scare from a dig, but I caught him by 3rd. and pulled farly well from a roll. I didn't stay in it too long on either runs. but fun none the less.
  4. Had an encounter with a black s4 this evening. quick car, but not quick enough. don't know much about them, other than awd turbo 6 right? If your on here, thanks for cheering me up!!
  5. umm....shouldn't this be in the kill stories? shame on you mod
  6. is the pressure gauge electric or machanical?
  7. thanks, thats the way i have it now. I read on ls1tech to only use one, thats y I was asking.
  8. cool thanks. I started it so I will see how far I get and if I get stuck. one question though....can I use one relay for the kit and the purge?
  9. m6. Things I need to install are, window switch, heater, gauge, switch panel. Like I said, all the nozzles and lines are ran just need to wire it all up.
  10. I have all the hardware on. just need all the electrical stuff done. Not sure I want to tackle it myself. let me know if your willing to help.
  11. wheres your land? I ride in the hocking hills too
  12. haven't started mine in about 6 months. might have to wake her up this spring though. I miss riding. BTW- I have a 400ex.
  13. 99ta

    Obama Tax Return

    I posted that stuff for people to read and make their own opinions. worldnew and israel nation are just as credible than cnn or fox to me. at least those media outlets are reporting normal peoples opinions and not what someone says they have to report. if even one of those things ar tru about obama its enough to not wants him as president. your right Kenny, I am ignorant and stupid and what ever else you chose to call me. You keep watching cnn and fox I am sure your so smart you don't know what to do in life. Later.
  14. 99ta

    Obama Tax Return

    hes a christian at this church? http://www.tucc.org/about.htm "We are a congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian... Our roots in the Black religious experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. We are an African people, and remain "true to our native land," the mother continent, the cradle of civilization. " thats the kind of christian I want running my country. commitment to africa!!!!!
  15. 99ta

    Obama Tax Return

    because he is a muslim at his roots and once in power we will all see who is "really" in power. God help us all.....
  16. 99ta

    Obama Tax Return

    if you think msnbc, foxnews and cnn report ALL the facts you're whats wrong with our society. the mainstream media at its finnest. edit - I just searched google. this is a taste of what I found. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=59600 http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/7688 open your eyes!
  17. 99ta

    Obama Tax Return

    funny.....google i where I read all that. you can't beleive anything he says, of course he is going to say he is a christian. thats what americans want to hear. why don't you search google, youtube, ect. You will some some alarming things. I am not here to have a political debate. I am not confident with any of the potential candidates. frankly I just don't care anymore....
  18. I work in a very big teritory now. from highland co to athens. my office is in the middle, but I could drive 2hrs one way to an inspection. I think I am paid well, and being over worked is all in time management. we were all told how busy we would be and 12hr day ect. I haven't worked 30min over since I have been there. maybe its just my manager, I don't know. But Progressive is making some changes that I am not sure I like, so I might be looking for a change.
  19. man....and they say unemployment is at a all time high.
  20. 99ta

    Obama Tax Return

    if obama gets elected it will just confirm that the country is going to hell. a racist muslim....thats what america needs. as well as having his brother burn christians alive in churchs, wonder if thats true? oh well what can we do?
  21. what other companies write there own estimates?
  22. just wondering. I work for progressive now and was curious about other companies. thanks!
  23. 99ta


    would it be worth making a trip for some races?
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