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Posts posted by 99ta

  1. I looked this up and it says its habit forming and hard to stop taking and that it also causes drowsiness and dizziness.....doesn't sound like something I would like to take.


    My wife takes it, but she only takes it when she needs too. So its not habit forming for her, however it does cause drowsiness and such. You will go through several medications to find one that is right for you. But I agree with everyone else, you need to talk about stuff. Good luck!



  2. interested in a bike? my friend has a pw 80 he would like to get rid of


    no sorry....my son is 4 and I would like for him to be on 4 wheels. Plus I have a quad so he wants to be like his daddy....Thanks though.

  3. If you know where dellinger road is out in galloway, saw a nice red one for sale on the left hand side going towards hubbard.


    If you'd like I can get the # for you?



    that would be great.......thanks!



  4. You nuts. If anything a wife would be even MORE drama than a gf. At least with a GF you can just get rid of them. With a wife, it's a commiment that you can't just get out of.


    I feel bad for you.....you will find the right woman someday.


    I think my propsal was kind of cheesy, but hey it worked. I cooked her a really nice diner and had a candle light tabel set up on my back deck. When she came I had a rose and a card at the front door. The card had a hint on it about our first date (we wasted some time in Bed, Bath, and beyond). Well yada yada she made her way out to the deck where I was waiting and gave her she completes me stuff......she said yes and we ate.


    She loved it......thats all that mattered. But you need to do something that fits your relationship. You guys private or social? Romantic? Ask you closer friends what they think since they know the both of you. Good luck and let us know how it turns out.



  5. do you know if you will be doing drive-ins for a while? Most people I know that are just starting as claims adjusters have to do drive-in claims for about a year or so before they go out into the field



    well, I am not sure. I know I will be intraining for 12 weeks. The office I am in is only 5 people. I really don't know all the specifics yet.

  6. well after being a probation officer for several years, I was offered a job with Progressive Insurance as a Claims Adjuster. I am excited about the career change as it gives me opportunity for growth. Anyone in this field or have any comments about what I might expect?



  7. depending on what your looking for, my brother might sell his ltz400. He is corysmach1 on here is you want to shoot him a PM. He dosen't get on much but i wil tell him about so he can check his PMs.
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