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Everything posted by 99ta

  1. 99ta

    Noob Here

    is there really newbees welcoming other newbees? BTW - nice evo
  2. thanks guys I got it done for $100 today.
  3. well not exactly......it will bend up halfway around the axle.
  4. he didn't say he wouldn't race....his car is out of the state. What I want to know is why he is calling out linn when there are a lot of cars that would give him a better race. Not taking anything away from linn, he would be the first to admit he is not the fastest.
  5. I don't know what an ORP is either, so enlighten us both.... lol just mess'n with ya Anthony. So no one can help me?
  6. lol.....what does that have to do with working at an exhaust shop?
  7. quit jacking up my thread!!!!!! lol
  8. I need a 3-4 foot pipe made to finish my exhaust......this weather is killing me. My local shop would do it for about $150. But just checking to see if anyone could hook me up. To be more specific....I need an i-pipe to connect my ORY to my catback. Eric
  9. its been about a month now Amy........where have you been?
  10. I took the cats off my car and wondered where to sell them and how much I can expect. I have had a offer for $110 for both of them, but I want to make sure I can't get more by taking them somewhere myself? Eric haha...sorry its not the animal....
  11. ooooo I do. PM more details and contact info. Thanks. Eric
  12. 99ta

    Oden's AWOL

    Illgaskas on the cavs was hurt his first 4 years in the league and still got paid. A seven footer dosn't have to move like a guard. His injury would have to be very severe not to play anymore. Kenyon Martin broke his freakin leg and still went and has had a successful career. getting injured is not a deterrant for him. he will be back...... Eric
  13. fixed it.....it was a plug wire. Thanks for the help! Eric
  14. thanks....I will check that in the morning. I should be able to smell it on the dipstick right? Or will I have to drain it to check. Eric
  15. 8th space is a z....how do I check these things. Or is it just trial and error? Eric
  16. 99ta

    help with youtube

    what are the system32 files? I fixed it by uninstalling, rebooting and reistalling. I sitll would like to know what those files are and why I need to delete them. Thanks Eric
  17. I can't view the videos. It says I need to download the new flash, but I have done that several times. How do I make sure my javascript is turned on? Eric
  18. 99ta

    pacemakers 4/14

    it keeps old people alive :grin2:
  19. 237,000...........what is this this HEI you speak of?
  20. hey i will be selling my LM when I install my headers. your looking for two sets? there is another guy in chilli that is selling his LM as well.
  21. 93 s10 4.3l started running very rough this morning. Shakes really bad at idle and all the time for that matter. My intial thought was a spark plug wire had come off. Checked all those and they were fine. Should I start with changing all the plugs and wires? or try something else? any input would help. Thanks Eric
  22. 99ta


    I need a spyware program......can I get a key from the same places or dow anyone have one they can pm me?
  23. 99ta

    Whats going on?

    I will race anyone.........
  24. wanna hook a brotha up? my a/c is broke, I think. Eric
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