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Posts posted by 99ta

  1. you will need to make every bit of 500 just to keep up with me on motor. :)


    You doing more to your motor? His car is probably lighter than yours so why would he need 500 to keep up? I would think 400+ he has a good shot. But thats just with you on motor. Thats just going by numbers and I realize that dosen't mean much on the street.



  2. I would say since you got it at such a good price you should just keep it and upgrade. Like stated earlier, the avg. price for a car like that is around $12k. So you saved $5k. Just take this opportunity to build the tranny you want for the pwoer level you are wanting to see, so you won't have to do it later. Good luck!



  3. Yes it was a great game. And I think they were the two best teams in the NCAA. However, the refs allowed for 15 of Mich points (ruffing the center and pass inter.). Both of those calls were retarded. So I don't think it was as close as the score portrayed. With that said....the adjustments the mich coaches did at halftime were amazing. And a rematch would not be near as interesting.
  4. I was using the "dazzle" to get my videos to a comp. I bought a new comp and it has the s-video connection. I tried just hooking up the s-video from the camera to the comp but that didn't work. Is something not working or do I need to go back to using the dazzle. For those that don't know what the dazzle is, it transfers s-video to USB. Thanks



  5. damn people its a DUI in which he was only .01 over. I could walk up to the prosecuter and say "I have a clean record, this is not a habit, and I was only slightly over. Could you drop it down?" Thats what a lawyer would say....not gonna matter if you pay them thousands or its free. The prosecutor deals with about 100 of DUIs per day. They aren't going to care what lawyer makes the deal, why not make it with one they work with everyday.

    I am not saying a state appointed lawyer is the way to go everytime, but in this case I think it is. If your in a case that needs some research or some savy, then yes go pay for a lawyer. But whatever.......not like I see it everyday.

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