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Everything posted by Bad

  1. That is correct...2 years strong and the tuning is questionable at best since I did it. And I am NOT A MECHANIC...just an engineer.
  2. Tell you what, you can start with me and end up with at least 3 more races after that. PM me and I'll give you my cell phone number, 3 references, and buy you a beer even if I win. That is if you are old enough to consume such beverages. I prefer roll too, so we should have a good time. It's just a Rx-7 I run that I put together, and I am not the fastest Rx-7 around either. Single turbo, ported engine, fastest time slip was a 12.5 with a 2.0 60' time at Trails on the old engine. Good enough? Consider this a direct challenge, do not pass GO, some straight to me for a roll race. How about it? Only thing I ask is that you do it on 94 octane.
  3. I'll pick the club when that happens. Nono "if"
  4. ...to dinner and a movie? ...to a strip club?
  5. Calling you out. Loser buys the drinks for everyone we can fit in our cars.
  6. Lowes, Roush, Anderson's all no have.
  7. READ! There are the regulations for the CR Flame Room. Failure to follow them will result in consequences! 1) No personal threats, racial/ethnic slurs, etc. Violation of these will be automatic ban. Anything else is fair game. 2) The usual 56k and NWS warnings apply to topics and posts. 3) The Admins/Mods will not edit or delete posts, unless they fail to meets the requirements of the previous two rules. 3a) Any edit will have an explanation, IN BOLD, at the bottom of the post being edited. 3b) Any deletion of a topic will have it moved to the Admin/Mod section for review. And post deletion will see an additional post made explaining why the previous was deleted. 4) Anything else is fair game.
  8. Why, I can't even place the name to face, sir. I don't don't even know (or want to) if you have a dick or a pussy. Since you took offense so easily, I apologize. I did not mean to offend you. I just stated my opinion that you should be kicked in the nuts (if you have them) or at least the ass (by Andrew). We okay now? Or should we discuss?
  9. Looking to have the car corner balanced. Anyone have a set of scales?! Tony
  10. Since I can't put names to faces...kick him!!! Consistency and integrity. Sometimes even admins have to be spanked. Mistress Suzie charges a very decent rate and she's located just downtown for some "lunch time" discipline.
  11. Establish some control and ground rules then be consistent. I have never critized you or this board. This is a first. Coming from someone who ran and was a sysop on Compuserve when the WWW was freaking glimmer in someones daddy's eye. Put the thread back and bitch-slap the admin who deviated from the rules. Word.
  12. Bad


    Son? Bring the car home now, I need to get some smokes.
  13. You do not need Hyperthreading or a P4. Choose a processor chip that is made for a laptop, rather than the P4 which will require the fans to be on all the time. Just load up on a gig of ram and a 60+ gig hard drive. Stick to a Dell but check out www.gotapex.com for info on deals and coupons. I've had a couple of dozen Dell laptops.
  14. Is Marion within 100 towing miles of Dublin?! I would like to see if I can run a sub-12 for once and take Mike's quickest-FD title from him.
  15. Honest, I was going the speed limit. Where did you see me?
  16. Did you see a car with that plate?
  17. I love the 'tar! So 25psi was correct...hmmm.
  18. Needless to say I was late and trying to kick in the Flux Capacitor to go backwards in time.
  19. For the English challenged (or challenging) it is DORITO. For you, try DOOREEETOE. Get someone to read that to you. I have 13 second DOOREEETOE willing to meet you in person.
  20. Me! Usually make the drive in an hour before that.
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