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Everything posted by Bird69

  1. http://www.itv-f1.com/ImageLibrary/33492_2.jpg graemlins/thatfunny.gifgraemlins/gay.gif
  2. no big deal, i could be wrong. i'm just interested because if it will lower payments then i'm all for it.
  3. Bird69

    Gahanna creekside

    i dunno, family drama on my side and my wife's side stopped us from going
  4. Dad and I are showing the car today. He'll be there early on, I'll be there later. If you're going, stop on by. There's enough gahanna people on CR to be the entire show.
  5. Bird69

    saturday night

    i had a bad feeling about last night. glad i actually listened to it this time.
  6. matt, post what they tell you.
  7. this one's my favorite
  8. Bird69

    Nitrous > *

    you missed out on gas chamber fun
  9. i sent a 14 lb item for $11.00 3 day UPS ground
  10. i've had plenty of run ins with the "we're-so-money-hungry-we're-going-to-clock-270-for-speeders" GPD how old are you and have you ever been in any kind of trouble/getting arrested before?
  11. 7.50 for shipping?? fuck man, but at least you got the the part you needed
  12. werd up, G-ToWN LuV YALL oops
  13. werd up, G-ToWN LuV YALL
  14. nothin was going on tonight, but yes, the wings were excellent. i did find out that they have a cruise-in every sunday. probably old news for everyone else.
  15. no problem, if he just wants to hear it, he can go to launch.com, but i don't really know of any websites that i'd ever trust to download songs from
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