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Everything posted by Bird69

  1. do you know if there's enough room in the panel? what's the voltage and the amperage of the hot tub? without looking at it, i'll say $150, i really need to see it though.
  2. how does $75 sound with about maybe 2 or 3 hours of work with how you described it, doesn't sound too difficult at all. pm, email me or call me and we can set something up
  3. Don't get zapped, let me. Want to add a ceiling fan, can lights, new light fixtures, switches, track lights, hot tub, deck lighting, or anything? Flipping a house and need the whole damn thing rewired quick? Need anything relocated? You name it, i can probably do it or definately know someone that can. I'm a residential/commercial electrician looking for any side jobs you can throw at me. I have references and can get pictures of my work if needed. Pm me or email me at LPMAN187@aol.com.
  4. That's awesome man, you're going to like that job a lot. one of my friends in highschool used to work a job like that, he loved it. he got to drive all kinds of cars from the auctions. it sure as hell beats working at a restaurant. i used to work at on the border in easton and i hated it.
  5. i think its $85/yr on the firebird. historical then on my car and my wife's car and our house it's about 1100/6 months through grange, my record's pretty shitty, her's is perfect, but i turn 25 in Nov :woowoo:
  6. dan, Your ideal job is a porn director
  7. it looks like a neon, they take away f bodies for THAT?!?!?!
  8. rain = no car out tonight
  9. it moves. the engine needs a rebuild pretty bad, but i beat a pretty fast turboed talon from a 25ish roll and a dig. obviously i beat pretty much every stock 4 or 6 cylinder. but i've never really had a set up race. just people i've seen cruising around. it's definately not the fastest car here, but it'd be fun.
  10. driving. but if the only race i can get is a fuckin civic against my 02 base model workmobile cavalier w/ 86,000 miles then i'll take it
  11. I am serious, but not for money. you'd kick my ass anyway. i'm just bored and have nothing to do till 9/10ish tonight.
  12. heh. then when my governor kicks in at 107...
  13. right now? dig, roll, doesn't matter. :zoom:
  14. maybe he realized how stupid it looks
  15. i liked this one There will be no extension of Date http://spamusement.com/gfx/269.gif
  16. P.S. Make GOOOOOD friends with the Marine C-130 guys if you get the chance. we had all the alcohol.
  17. Sgt's e-5, good question. i got e-4 in 2 years in the Marine Corps after busting my ass with PT, MCIs and the rifle range. but e-5 in 2 years is a little nuts.
  18. here's what helped me get my 3 miles times down in the Marine Corps. First, drink lots of water. being well hydrated will help you a lot more than you know. Start out by jogging a little bit and getting your muscles warm, then stretch for at least 10-15 minutes. 1 day run distance without timing yourself. the next day run sprints till you can't run anymore. i rested a day after sprints, you can do whatever you want. the next day run a little further then you did on the first distance day and don't time yourself. then have another day of sprints. next day rest. next day run distance for time. Just keep doing that little cycle over and over running more and more distance on your distance day. After bootcamp i ran a 22 minute 3 mile. then went to okinawa and drank a lot and got fat and dropped down to a 27 minute 3 mile. I went to new york after oki and a buddy of mine there told me about this method, i tried it and got my time down from about 26 min to 19 minutes in a few months.
  19. http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a345/bird69/rice.jpg
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