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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. how does this work? I played with it in the store and was a little concerned that it would be easy to break.
  2. good call, I didn't even think of that.
  3. 250 installed... said it comes with door locks, lights, etc...
  4. all I want is to push a button and it to start, she already has keyless entry and can use her other keyfob for that.
  5. seriously, wwwwwww tttttttttttttttt fffffffffffffffff?
  6. my inlaws have front loaders and my wife doesn't really like them much and wanted a top loader, but the way I look at it is price is more important right now than front or top loading.. and I agree with Joe, now is the time to get one.
  7. Do you have the name of the place in Lancaster?
  8. just figured I would see what was out there before I had a mortgage payment again.
  9. the warranty is gone on the car anyways.
  10. if it's work travel, won't you have a laptop that you could play DVD's with? just a thought to help cut down on what you have to carry.
  11. I completely agree with everything you said... I didn't think about the phones on different levels though. Our cells are our only phones so we typically keep them by our sides at all times.
  12. probably december'ish maybe January... that's assuming that the house offer goes through without a hitch. so who knows when we'd be closing on the place and get all the carpet replaced. and ya, Craigslist was our next option... we just figured we'd put out feelers now.
  13. the hand gun is just for a side arm... I've been wanting a replacement side arm since I sold my 9mm. the Shotgun is for home defense. and I agree... I don't want the bullets going through walls and no way would I fire a gun if I didn't see who I was shooting at and my wife would be the same way.
  14. ok, that came out wrong, I meant it won't be fired all the time... Kevin, WTF are you talkinga bout the country is less safe? if you mean living out in the boonies as less safe than living in a subdivision like we were? I don't think it's less safe, but I do think it takes ALOT longer for someone to respond to a call if something does happen.
  15. honestly, open to ideas... cheaper the better but it needs to be reliable. Honestly, it might not ever get fired, (at least I hope it's not needed to be) but I want it to operate if we need to. We're in the process of purchasing land out in the country and I want my wife and kids to be safe if I'm not home and someone decides to show up. the side arm would be 2 fold... I would like to have it as a CCW, but also if needed in a pinch and the shotgun would just be a home defense type of weapon. let me know what you have
  16. smokin5s

    WTB iPod

    anyone have a cheap nano?
  17. dude, it's open source... so what can't the phone do for you other than give you head... although I'm sure it will give you the address and phone number if you ask it of a "party house" I have heard complaints about the Bold from different people, but as far as just it being a blackberry... I've had the bold, 9703,8800,8330, and now the bold... for a business device, you just can't beat a blackberry and now I'm not near Dublin and the only times I'm in that area is when visiting my wife's work.... the service BLOWS everywhere. (one of the guys on my team has an 8330 with AT&T service as well and constantly complains about not getting service.)
  18. good friend of a developer of Sharepoint where I work... doubtful you'd find anyone more knowledgable.
  19. how hard is it to install a remote starter in an 05 or 06 (I can't remember) Pacifica?
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