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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. who here has a flooded yard? My yard looks like a freaking pond right now.... litterally to walk out to my car, I have to walk through about 4 inches of free standing water. Tons of rain and frozen ground doesn't mix!
  2. I counted 13 batteries in that thing
  3. if any of you went to any of these shelters or got a dog from one, you'd understand how grateful most of these dogs are to have someone to love them and give them a 2nd chance.
  4. BTW, thanks for everyone's interest. Does anyone think that it would be useful for me to post a monthly or whatever dog from the shelter? Maybe helping them find good homes since it's such a high kill shelter?
  5. we were only planning on getting rid of 1 dog... and it is being picked up by a family friend (which makes my daughter happy because she'll still get to see her) If things change I will let you kno. BTW, to answer your questions about them, they have not had their shots (we're taking the one we're keeping to get hers next week) and they will need to be registered by the owners down at wherever you register dogs at. (my wife always takes care of it for me)
  6. BTW, I would go on a witch hunt.... but more because that thing has already tried to attack a human... it needs to die before it succeeds
  7. my dog is part of my family and you better believe I will kill for my family... I live out in the country and if another animal decides to attack my dog, I'm getting out the gun. It it partially emotional, just like that dog standing in between the boy and the cat. Maybe I'm a dick, but saying that cat didn't deserve to die is the stupidest fucking thing I've heard in a long time. If they didn't kill the cat, it would have tried to attack another human again... you still think that cat's life is more important than a little kid?
  8. we blew insulation into our house when we lived in Mt Gilead... it was an 800 sq foot ranch and it was alot more expensive than 950. although I can't remember the exact cost. My house in Blacklick was a new home with efficiency windows, etc... and my gas bill would climb to 350'ish a month in the colder months... my new house is LP so I don't think the pricing is the same as natural gas, but it's ~800 to fill the tank.
  9. I got an email last night from XBL saying there's a new dashboard coming out.... I haven't connect to XBL in over a year, so I have no idea what the differences are.
  10. I avoid buying cameras that use AA batteries... I spend a little more and get the cameras that have battery packs... but if that isn't in your budget, buy Engergizer Mh25000 batteries, they are the shit! they can come in rechargable also.
  11. these dogs weren't shelter dogs... we got them from some lady in Chilocothe... my wife has been looking for "her dog" for quite some time... we went there with the intention of getting her a dog and somehow ended up with an extra one because, "they are just so damn cute"
  12. dude, petfinder... I need to block that site from my network.
  13. this man speaks the truth... actually my wife doesn't think and then I get suckered into it. but to answer the comment, alot of the time, we don't have the dogs, my wife sees them at the morrow county shelter and she has me post them to try to get them a home. (The Morrow County Dog Shelter is a high kill shelter.)
  14. We ended up picking up 2 puppies last weekend because they were so cute.... once we got home it set in that we don't have the room nor the money for 3 dogs! they will be 8 weeks old this weekend, they are yellow lab / husky mix (although the dogs really look like they have german shephard in them). cost : 20 scoobie snacks! (dollars... just to refund our cost that we paid for it last weekend) http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj196/smokin5s/Emma.jpg?t=1264122704 http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj196/smokin5s/Zoey.jpg?t=1264122756
  15. http://threadbombing.com/data/media/2/up_in_this_thread.gif
  16. Audi's are on the list of below TA's that's another thing, people don't even thank you for holding the door anymore... especially kids... they are just plain rude. actually that brings up a funny story... about 2 weeks ago I held the door for a group of kids (teens), NONE of them said thank you, the last kid that walked out, I stuck my foot out and he did a face plant... I just turned and walked away... I bet next time that little punk will say thank you if someone is taking the time to hold the door for him.
  17. I've seen quite a few units that were supposed to be "deactivated" but still work.... one of my old units I turned on the other day that I deactivated probably 2 years ago and it worked just fine...
  18. have you even actually sat down and used a Droid? (or any phone using Android 2.1?)
  19. my suite that I wore at my wedding I bought from Men's warehouse... place was great and the suit fit perfect! BUT, I've boughten quite a few sports jackets from surprisingly enough Walmart and they fit pretty well....
  20. I have to ask, did you install the correct drivers? you can go into the device manager to check.
  21. 6 months ago I would have been really excited about this but now Android OS > iPhone (even the jail broken ones)
  22. my dog is a lab / german shephard mix... we don't crate him at night, but I might try to put him in his crate with the 2 pups tonight and see how that works out. (he's about 2 years old so he's full size and doesn't make a mess while we're sleeping)
  23. I have 3 dogs, so I don't think there's any chance of them having a social disorder.
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