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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. this is a great TV, there's been many hours of Guitar Hero played on said TV
  2. it got when when the kid said, "I'm proud of you daddy"
  3. god didn't invent showers, actually the greeks were the people who invented what is now modern day showers, but early forms of showers were found before the greeks in India, Egypt, and Mesopotamia, but these included vases and no drainage system. btw, sorry to hear about your wife, but I'm sure she'll be fine! Oh and as stated above, watch out for the mood swings, they aren't fun!
  4. what this guy did was horrible, and the mental institution should have known that he culdn' be released back into the wild so to speak, but are you also saying that you don't believe in 2nd chances?
  5. dude, the classiest women are the biggest freaks between the sheets
  6. kinda except she's wanting an exercise bike, not one that you actually ride around, although she mentioned wanting one of those as well cause she is constantly bitching that the seat hurts her ass no matter what seat I put on that thing (I've put seats that look like park benches on her bike and she still complains about it hurting her ass.
  7. oh, i thought you were talkinga bout the jump boxes that we used at he krav skewl, not jump rope.
  8. dude, she's 5 foot nothing, trying to use a normal jump box on her would prove difficult.
  9. or reach out to Dell, their D series Latitudes are at end of life and you can typically get a hell of a deal on their D630 laptopss.
  10. maybe they should hire some engineers then and make a sexy well built car
  11. dude, fix your paint job instead of buying the wife a new car (yes I realize you did that on purpose, just stating the obvious that it needs fixed) and being a total dick because I'm home sick today and well, I just want to be a dick
  12. the only part hat was funny was when the bald dude popped up next to the window
  13. now it's gonna be a 30 year old hot woman....
  14. smokin5s

    free dog

    that's just what the pound told me.... there was a guy at the park the other day that has a dog that looks like her, that said he had the same mix, so I have a feeling we're on the right track as far as her heratage. the "biting" isn't really the root problem, we were just thinking if we could find her a place that had land or another dog that she could play with, she would probably be alot happier. We understand she's a puppy and puppies do that. I'm more concerned that next friday, we will no longer be home owners and I don't know how long it will take to find another house (especially with a yard) that she can go run around in.
  15. John Wallace sounds farmiliar, but not the biker.
  16. Thorne, why exactly is a 64 year old man getting beaten up by 4 guys funny?
  17. cool, thanks man! Why she's dead set on getting one when we don't even have a new house yet is beyond me, but it's her money I guess.
  18. Wife is looking for one, she found a few in the 300 range new but wanted me to see if anyone had one here they wanted to get rid of...
  19. 10 year loan, I guess I could swing new tires.. you gonna pay for tag renewal?
  20. Can I use it for the next 10 years? then I'll give it back
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