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Everything posted by smokin5s

  1. with Digital video, for high quality video's, you DON'T want to use the USB cable... you will drop all sorts of frames (unless it's USB2) I use firewire on mine and it's great.... as far as software, the Sonic Foundry Vegas Video suite is a good suite to start with. It's easy and very powerful. Windows XP has a movie maker program that you can d/l for free, but I'm not too impressed with it... but it is what it is... Adobe Premiere is very good but harder to use as well as costs allot... Get Kazaa Lite and D/l Vegas Video from there.
  2. smokin5s


    I'm sorry to hear about her hitting you, unfortunately, you don't want to hit her back because then she can say that you hit her first etc.... (especially if you end up whooping the shit out of her) as said above, call the police station and report the cop that wouldn't file the report against her. P.S. now would be a good time for revenge on her if you have nekkid pictures of her graemlins/leghump.gif j/k
  3. Next Door Nikki and Tiffany are both smok'in.... either one would get it.
  4. that's the exact reason why I won't own a bike... it honestly didn't even look real.. My question is, why would they let cameras video tape that? I would think the family would have a problem with that.
  5. wasn't there only like 5 people in your graduating class? tongue.gif my suggestion would be to stop babying him about it....I'm sick if all the sissy parents who have to nurture their kids when they do something bad.... throw his ass a beating... worked fer me. also, I'm on Adderol XR good stuff!
  6. good luck man! How is Japan?
  7. ok, I need to see those bewbies without the clothes on them. OFF WITH HER CLOTHES!
  8. well, she loves the POS and won't get rid of it.... (she likes that stupid circulating fan thing)
  9. Senior members or is that too large of a group still? Maybe just have people that request rights go through the SMC to verify that they are smart enough to know how to spell. Can we get a spell check put on this software?
  10. like it says above.... mod's don't always see what's going on when we post, and it would be nice if we could all post in the front forum if we're trying to get an Applebee's meet together or something. Thoughts?
  11. just get them a subscription instead... they'll appriciate that more.
  12. ya, that looks like it... no, memory slots as in, you can hold 8 different BIOS's... so that you can have a standard BIOS, so you can get on XBOX live, you can have one that is moded for games, one for Linux, etc.... It is also illegal to get certian roms.... you have to get onto ICQ to get them, or know someone (if you read this topic, there are several people that can help you out)
  13. This happened to me before, the gears weren't stripped, the bolt actually came loose, I tightened it up and I was good to go. If the bolt isn't loose, then you stripped the gears and it's time to replace it
  14. ok, got a couple problems with Melissa's car and I wanted to see if anyone has an idea what was going on... first thing, when she turns the wheel either direction, it makes a clicking noise.... it's really annoying... she took it to firestone about a month ago, they replaced her tie-rods and it fixed it for about 3 weeks. second, her car's idle keeps on dipping around. She's throwing an O2 sensor code. Would that make her car's idle go all over the place? Her car also runs pretty darn rough... which I would blame on the O2. I thought about just unplugging the O2 and let it run in "limp mode" to see if would fix the idle.... any thoughts? She's been bugging me for a month now to get this thing fixed, so I thought I'd look for input before I start digging into it.
  15. that's like saying you get Playboy for the articles.
  16. I read mixed reviews on the 3... I put the ice chip in my dad's xbox, and it's pretty sweet... 8 memory slots, a USB interface, as well as a GUI front end... I would look into that if I was you.
  17. x-cuter lite 2.6b, the same one I have.
  18. I have a buddy who's been looking for a winter beater. I'll ask him when I get off work.
  19. dude, you shouldn't smoke in front of the enterance to your work place... Anyone who thinks that they should be able to should get kicked in the nuts repeatidly so that they can't reproduce.
  20. Stay out of the kitchen? Fuck that, I'm not quiting my jewb because people want to fuck off at work and smoke in front of the door. (that's the example that he gave above that you quoted.
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